i feel like i’m seeing anecdotally more of an awareness than maybe there used to be also that there’s a gray area between “definitely an alcoholic” and “totally healthy relationship with alcohol,” and i hope that trend persists. i’m not sober but i’m a fairly rare and almost entirely social user of anything (alcohol/weed rly) and even without being sober i have sometimes felt weird about the embeddedness of alcohol in our culture or how normal people find it to feel like they need a drink to relax. like, i’ve never done a drynuary because january is a hideous month for going out anyway and cutting down from somewhere between 1 and 6 drinks in the month to zero does not feel meaningful to me lol. but i have friends who’ve done it who found it a real challenge and that would be really scary for me to realize about myself even if my drinking didn’t seem to be causing problems. it has seemed to cause them to reevaluate their relationships with alcohol and try to be more mindful which i think is good.
(drynuary for social media on the other hand… did that one a couple years ago and have been thinking i should do it again…)
(drynuary for social media on the other hand… did that one a couple years ago and have been thinking i should do it again…)
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