Collin Gosselin discusses being institutionalized & his relationship with his family

Dec 01, 2022 05:53

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Collin Gosselin, who turned 18 in May, did an interview with ET. Some tidits:

  • Kate had Collin institutionalized twice, claiming he had "special needs" but Collin says he shouldn't have been institutionalized.
  • According to Collin, he didn't have much a relationship with Kate before she institutionalized him but after she did it, that basically ended any relationship they had.
  • He was able to get out of that place after writing a letter to Jon in 2017 begging him to get him out (the letter said someone was giving him bruises and sitting on his chest until he couldn't breathe).
  • In 2018, Jon was granted full custody of Collin (Kate didn't show up for the hearing). Earlier that same year, Jon had been granted custody of Hannah.
  • Collin said he hasn't spoken to his other six siblings for 5-6 years but he would like to have a relationship with them one day.
  • Last month he fell asleep while driving to work and flipped his car over.
  • He is still in high school and considering the Marine Corps after graduation.
  • He might be interested in doing reality tv now that he's old enough to remember the experience (he mostly remembers the constant presence of the cameras from filming Jon & Kate Plus 8).
  • He said it would have been nice if his parents had the ability to be adults, get along, and coparent after the divorce.
  • He thinks if their family hadn't done the show, his parents might still be together.


I never watched this show so all I know about this family was the tabloid stuff when Jon and Kate got divorced. Feel free to add any additional context/background/info because I was going purely on what was said in this interview.

celebrity children / siblings, reality show, television - tlc, jon and kate gosselin
