Is Anything in Weird: The Al Yankovic Story True?

Nov 07, 2022 09:34

Although most of Weird Al's movie is fiction, there are some interesting kernels of truth in it. Just in case you were wondering what can actually be believed...

  • Al's first accordion really was purchased from a door-to-door salesman. He was selling both a guitar and an accordion, and his parents' choice changed history as we know it.

  • "My Bologna" was actually recorded in a bathroom, although at his university (Cal Poly), not a bus station.

  • Madonna didn't date Weird Al to persuade him to parody her song to get a publicity boost, but she is the one who came up with "Like a Surgeon." She was talking to a friend and wondered when Al would parody "Like a Virgin," and would probably call it "Like a Surgeon." That story got back to Al and he thought it was a good idea.

    What did you think of the movie ONTD? I'm being completely honest when I say DanRad deserves an Oscar nom for it.

    Source 1 | Source 2
  • weird al yankovic, film - comedy, madonna
