The Handmaid's Tale 5x8

Oct 26, 2022 04:05

Mother to mother. Will June and Serena finally see eye to eye? #TheHandmaidsTale
- The Handmaid's Tale (@HandmaidsOnHulu) October 25, 2022

5x8: Motherland
June considers a tempting but risky offer from a surprise visitor. Serena hits rock bottom and searches for allies.

sourceSerena with surprised Pikachu face last ( Read more... )

the handmaids tale (hulu), elisabeth moss, television - hulu, television promo / stills

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little_vienna October 26 2022, 14:45:25 UTC
Reading vague BTS spoilers for episodes 9-10 has me reaaaal nervous. Apparently [Spoiler (click to open)]there is a "bloodbath." I can only imagine what goes horribly wrong.


little_vienna October 26 2022, 14:48:02 UTC
Also loved what we got of Lawrence in this. It's nice to get, presumably, something closer to his true thoughts (his usage of "religious nutjobs" to achieve his social & economic goals) instead of the vague passive stuff we normally do.


silverstarry October 26 2022, 14:56:03 UTC
Even after his talk with June, a small part of me still questioned if it was all an act he put on just to convince her to do what he wanted. I don’t think I can ever 100% trust him.


little_vienna October 26 2022, 15:06:02 UTC
I don't think he can be 100% trusted, but I do feel like we got a glimpse of the real him for once. Particularly in the last conversation with June, when he finally dropped his demeanor for once.


lone_concertina October 26 2022, 15:58:19 UTC
I feel like this is a key quality of Bradley Whitford as an actor. It works for him well in stuff like this, Get Out, Cabin in the Woods, etc but when he has to play a genuinely decent person I spend most of it wondering when the real villain will emerge in his character.


poisonapple73 October 26 2022, 21:35:40 UTC
Yeah, I really question anyone who thinks they can align with religious hardliners for expediency. Lawrence thinks he's smarter than he is, and he's so convinced of his own brilliance that I have no doubt he'll use June (or anyone) if he thinks the ends justify the means.


poisonapple73 October 26 2022, 21:31:14 UTC
Do you have a link? I was looking for spoilers yesterday and failing. :(


little_vienna October 26 2022, 22:22:57 UTC
I think this is the post I was thinking of. But it's somewhere on that subreddit.


poisonapple73 October 27 2022, 04:00:23 UTC
Thank you!


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