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janetdkd October 23 2022, 08:46:18 UTC
Well, she isn't right.
Sure, it ruffled some feathers at that time, but music world was moving in that direction anyways
It's silly to think that if she didn't do erotica we would not have female rappers talking about pussys or other white girls trying to be provocative


doriiansz October 23 2022, 08:55:10 UTC
Leave it to Madonna to make it all about herself. I'm not denying her input and influence on the pop culture, but saying how WAP wouldn't have been made if it hadn't been for her? Get a grip lol


janetdkd October 23 2022, 09:06:09 UTC
Right, no doubt she is influential, but to think she somehow changed it all and that before erotica women were singing about baking cookies is ridiculous
She did take street and urban styles and put it into mainstream, but that is not because she was mastermind of it, it was because she was white and she was allowed to be on TV 24/7


britty_stitches October 23 2022, 09:41:44 UTC
Does she think she like...invented sex or something?


angriest_girl October 23 2022, 11:52:46 UTC
You know she does


janetdkd October 23 2022, 12:50:04 UTC
Sucking dick and cock no big deal


potatoehead25 October 23 2022, 11:52:55 UTC
Look at Salt n Peppa and then TLC.


skeetertuskin October 23 2022, 12:06:10 UTC
lol tame af compared to what madonna was doing. come on now.


potatoehead25 October 23 2022, 13:44:41 UTC
I think Shoop could be seen as an orginator. Then you got I Ain’t too proud to beg and then more songs by female rappers followed that up.


skeetertuskin October 23 2022, 13:49:09 UTC
both songs were released after madonna had already kicked the door open. and i'm mostly referring to the sex book and the way madonna impacted how pop stars presented their sexuality in their images and videos since.


potatoehead25 October 23 2022, 15:16:21 UTC
Madonna is saying WAP wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for her Erotica era with the SEX book.

I am saying WAP would have happened either way because these are rappers owning their sexuality. I used Shoop because WAP reminds me of that. BEFORE Shoop and SEX there was Push It by SALT N PEPPA.

Come on, you know that with or without Madonna female rappers would have end up expressing themselves either way. Yes, the white girls wouldn’t be here doing that whole getting naked for shock if it weren’t for Madonna doing her thing, but FEMALE RAPPERS? I don’t think so.


skeetertuskin October 23 2022, 15:53:48 UTC
Wrong. Female rappers themselves, from Lil Kim to Vita, have credited Madonna for setting the standards on how women in music could explore/express their sexuality in their creative outputs. I’m not saying that this progress would not have happened if it weren’t for Madonna’s efforts but she spearheaded the movements and kicked the doors down by using her privilege and position within mainstream media.


euraylie October 23 2022, 15:06:58 UTC
I love Salt N Pepa and TLC, but I think Madonna was upsetting people almost at decade earlier with Like a Virgin (especially the MTV performance with writhing around on the stage) etc


skeetertuskin October 23 2022, 12:04:47 UTC
lol *some* feathers. i don't how old you are or if you were alive then but from 1989-93 she set the globe on fire. puritanists, catholic church in particular, hounded her for years and the media was relentless. we're talking about a modern day witch hunt. and through it all she remained unrepentant. sure, music world was moving in that direction, because she was the one spearheading it. there's absolute no denying it. and Sex book remains to this day the most daring work of art from a major mainstream pop artist. you don't see Cardi or Miley literary masturbating in front of a mirror or performing analingus. she's a joke now but madonna back then was a force of nature.


irajaxon October 23 2022, 14:36:57 UTC
can confirm the ruffled feathers. my grandma died calling madonna a whore, would alwayssss change the channel if she showed up while mumbling something about the pope. madonna at her peak knew exactly how to get under people's puritannical skin.


fromyourashes October 23 2022, 15:20:22 UTC
45 years old, can confirm.


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