Musicians Are Being Called Out for Referencing Jeffrey Dahmer in Their Lyrics

Sep 30, 2022 18:16

Musicians Are Being Called Out for Referencing Jeffrey Dahmer in Their Lyrics
- Seventeen (@seventeen) September 29, 2022
Various musicians are being called out on social media for referencing serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer in their songs ( Read more... )

katy perry, music / musician, eminem, kesha

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Comments 77

nudrive October 1 2022, 00:29:37 UTC
True crime fans are the fucking worst, they don't give a flying fuck about the victims.

Heartless trash.


heyignatzmouse October 1 2022, 02:31:27 UTC
I remember someone bitching about one of the bundy docs because there was ~no new info~ and getting a ton of backlash bc it was a post about how happy the poster was that they were focusing on the victims.

there was another girl fighting for netflix’s honor over the dahmer show talking about how it’s been 30 years and art can’t be limited by what the victims’ families think.

a lot of them just come off as straight sociopaths and I really wonder how flippant they would be if it was their own families.


nudrive October 1 2022, 02:34:24 UTC
some people truly have no empathy unless they know those involved, or worse, only feel it for the fucking murderers because that makes sense


heyignatzmouse October 1 2022, 02:44:09 UTC
the one guy I mentioned was trying to explain it as the victims not doing anything to deserve the attention while the killer was doing something unique so he was justified in wanting him to be the focus.

it’s like they’re talking about a tv show and not real people.


britty_stitches October 1 2022, 00:30:05 UTC
Jefree Star also references him in one of his songs "I want him to eat me out like Jeffrey Dahmer" or some shit, cant remember the exact words. These songs all need to be banned(though Im sure Katys wont because its one of her biggest hits), or at least have those parts taken out.


wonheaux October 1 2022, 00:39:21 UTC
yeah, it's from one of his early songs, straight boys. he also uses the n word in we want c*nt and says they request him for their last meal.


koalat October 1 2022, 00:45:01 UTC
i think his username on snapchat was jeffreedahmer as well. literally the worst


angriest_girl October 1 2022, 00:47:02 UTC
Every time I think he couldn’t possibly be a shittier person, he rises to the challenge.


automaticpeople October 1 2022, 00:32:41 UTC
Eminem has always written lyrics like an edgelord mgtow. I’m surprised anyone is surprised by his lyrics anymore.


crystalzelda October 1 2022, 00:32:50 UTC
I always thought Kesha wasn’t shit for that lyric tbh

Love you girl but this wasn’t it


promisering15 October 2 2022, 06:44:07 UTC
That and the “I’ll never date a dude with a vag” lyric


flogg October 1 2022, 00:33:09 UTC

The absolute fuck it audacity of people to be on TikTok, (obviously fucking white women) to sit there and be like I don’t feel bad watching this at all. Like I know he’s a monster, but I just don’t care.

I can’t stand them. You could find out about true crime, without supporting things that the families of the victims do not support.


nudrive October 1 2022, 01:03:25 UTC
It's not about the victims and their families at all, they don't give a shit. I mean in a recent post a self proclaimed fan of true crime literally said that they don't care about the victims. Like how fucked up do you have to be?????????????


lozbabie October 1 2022, 02:26:10 UTC
Just the lack of remorse is staggering.

And the current justification of ‘I listen to be prepared’ is just the most dumb fuck thing I’ve ever heard.

I was the weird 8 year old who read EVERYTHING about the Kennedy assissnation. I get it.

But there’s ways to consume media like this and the current true crime ‘fandom’ ain’t it.


willardwright October 1 2022, 15:00:27 UTC
The "I listen to be prepared" line is the dumbest and I'm sure some people think it's very clever, but like, most victims of serial killers are underpriviledged people, while most true crime podcasts listeners... aren't.

It's so victim blame-y, too. Thinking there's a set of right things to do when you're targeted by murderer that will save you.


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