Rita Ora covers ‘Running up that Hill by Kate Bush

Sep 14, 2022 13:16

Rita Ora cantando o clássico "Running Up That Hill" de Kate Bush #RockInRio #RitaOraNoMultishow pic.twitter.com/pOYMDYPoxK
- BCharts (@bchartsnet) September 11, 2022

- In “I wish I could trade places” with someone that hasn’t listened to this
- Famous Chanteuse was in Rock In Rio and decided to cover Kate Bush song that has gained new popularity thanks to Stranger Things
- While taking us up on that hill, she decided to lay on the floor and kiss our ears goodbye
-No word on Kate Bush and if she decided to go down the hill after listening to this cover

OP: Note twitter convinced me to watch this and now I’m taking ONTD down with me 🔪

Source: SOURCE

fail, music festival, music / musician, #rockinrio, concert / tour dates, come to brazil, rita ora
