NYLON: How Vanessa Hudgens Has Stayed An "It" Girl For Decades

Sep 13, 2022 13:00

We’re officially living through a Hudgensaissace. 💖 @VanessaHudgens is NYLON’s 2022 It Girl Issue cover star. The actress talks to @mccarthylauren about being accepted into the high-fashion world, relationships, and letting your freak flag fly. https://t.co/LhxyCTjofV
- NYLON (@NylonMag) September 12, 2022

On parties and vibes: “There’s nothing that infuriates me more than when I’m ready to throw down, and then I show up somewhere and it’s just not the vibe,” says Hudgens. “If it was up to me, every club would be an underground rave with lasers and smoke machines and just vibes and it’s dark and you can’t really see anyone.”

On her ambitions when she was younger: “If it’s not going to win me an Oscar, I don’t want to do it.”

“But then you grow up and you’re like, entertainment is entertainment, and I think that there’s a time and place for everything.” She points to The Princess Switch series. “I just think about when I was a kid, how many times my sister and I watched The Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan, and I was just like, ‘This is my Parent Trap.’ And it’s Christmas, which is so iconic - to have a little Christmas moment.”

On her past long-term relationships: “The public only sees so much. I’ve also been through two very long life-changing relationships, and no one really knows what happened except for me. When I write my memoir, it’ll be amazing.”

On not caring what people think of her: “I’m at that point now where I’m like, ‘Fuck anyone who doesn’t fuck with me,’” she says. “You either fuck with me or not; it’s cool with me either way. But I fuck with myself, so that’s all that matters.”

On witches and spirits: “I feel like as a kid, I naturally was a garden witch, like an earth witch, always playing in herbs and smooshing things up,” she says. “And then at a certain point, I think that it scared me, so I tried to turn it off.” Years later, a conversation with a co-worker reignited her curiosity. “He was like, ‘What do you call angels?’” Hudgens recalls. “And I was like, ‘Well, I guess spirits?’ And he’s like, ‘Yeah, so do you think an angel will get close to you if you won’t let spirits near you?’”

“I feel like I might travel with a spiritual entourage because I’ll come into places that don’t have remnant spirit energy and still feel things,” she says. “Honestly, when you live with it, it’s a casual thing. It’s not like they’re some ominous foreboding thing hovering above you. It’s like you see them and they literally look like people.”

Read more of her interview at the source, or don't.

“I realized how much of myself I gave away to others, when what I actually was giving away and turning off pieces of myself,” @VanessaHudgens says on the topic of her two long, life-changing relationships. “When you get older, the sexier boundaries are.”https://t.co/sduXh6HDqd pic.twitter.com/HEAAli6zLU
- NYLON (@NylonMag) September 12, 2022

“I’m at that point now where I'm like, ‘Fuck anyone who doesn't fuck with me,’” @Vanessahudgens tells @mccarthylauren. “You either fuck with me or not, it's cool with me either way. I fuck with myself, so that's all that matters.” https://t.co/sduXh6HDqd pic.twitter.com/niRQF91dDE
- NYLON (@NylonMag) September 12, 2022

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ONTD, did you eat? Do you have the energy? Are you reloaded? Are you able to stay on your feet? Do you fuck with BBV?

Sources: 1 | 2

magazine covers and articles, vanessa hudgens, interview
