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Comments 148

j3 September 10 2022, 15:58:05 UTC

... )


josiefier September 10 2022, 15:59:22 UTC

No comment on them and their scandals. But yes my SO is attractive. I remember my first thoughts meeting him being, "Uh oh" because we were going to be temporary coworkers and then, "Please don't be younger than me" lol. Nope he's 6 years older and it's now been 2 years!


windupbarbie September 10 2022, 23:24:13 UTC
Why would it have mattered of he was younger than you..?


sweetwaterlane September 11 2022, 02:30:57 UTC
not the OP but when I was single I preferred not to date a younger man (I was 27) because they might want to wait longer to 'settle down' and get married, or might still be in grad school/just starting out.


windupbarbie September 11 2022, 03:08:50 UTC
?? Girl, why you make it sound like 27 year olds are supposed to have their shit together lmao. I'm 27 and I'm not ready to be married [any time soon] nor do I have a masters degree. I get that everyone takes different paths in life tho and some are ahead of others. That's a nice position to be in.


sdpt September 10 2022, 16:01:59 UTC
this movie was very 1997

A moment most pleasing to me in my dickpig career: pic.twitter.com/z5pUlm0XQO
- Howard Ashman stan account (@MichaelChu7) March 30, 2021


xdecadentx September 10 2022, 16:02:17 UTC
Really? Him?


anterrabre September 10 2022, 16:07:05 UTC
In all fairness he was hot as balls on Ugly Betty.


xdecadentx September 10 2022, 16:10:53 UTC
Maybe just a bad pic. I haven't watched Ugly Betty.


anterrabre September 10 2022, 16:37:54 UTC
It is a very bad picture. I hate to give the Devil his due but he's a good-looking man that's also charismatic as hell. I can definitely understand why she fell for him, but she took it to a level that was extremely creepy and fucked up even for cheating.


madhler September 10 2022, 16:02:39 UTC
She’s bold as hell - I would never be able to talk openly about my meet-cute if it involved adultery.

Anyway, my huuuuzband is very good looking. It’s very distracting.


andisprohi September 10 2022, 16:23:33 UTC

Made me think of Amy Grant saying she felt the urge the urge to hug Vince Gill when she met him 🙄


mrshoneybee September 10 2022, 17:11:07 UTC
lol Christian infidelity


theactualworst September 10 2022, 17:34:58 UTC

No bigger hipocrit than a Christian!


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