Madonna shares '50 Questions' video interview in celebration of new remix collection

Sep 01, 2022 14:32

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Madonna released Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones*, her third remix album, on August 19. To mark the occasion, she recorded a video answering 50 fan questions about the album, her career and more. (She also references an upcoming album, in addition to her long-gestating biopic.)

Read 10 of the questions, and the Queen of Pop's answers, below, and stream Finally Enough Love wherever you stream music now.

What remixed song is your favorite?
A toss-up between "Ray of Light" (Sasha's Ultraviolet Reix) and "Die Another Day" (Deepsky Remix).

What music genre would you consider revisiting?

Can we ever expect another collaboration with Britney [Spears]?
I am gagging to work with Britney again.

What's a decision you made that, looking back, maybe wasn't the best idea?
Getting married-both times.

Do you find it difficult to find inspiration in a world that is so different from when you first started?
There is no end to the inspiration. If you're a curious person, and you're paying attention to life, you will never stop being inspired.

Name one person you haven't collaborated with with yet, but would love to in the future.
Kendrick Lamar.

What was the most grueling music video shoot for one of the 50 Number Ones?
"Die Another Day." I had to learn how to fence, and I had to fight myself, so I had to learn two sides of the choreography.

What are you excited the most about your upcoming album?
The idea [of making] people dance.

What is your favorite music video you have ever made?
"Take a Bow."

What's the achievement you're most proud of?
My six amazing children.


* In February 2020, Madonna earned her 50th number-one song on the US Billboard Dance Club Songs chart ("I Don't Search I Find") becoming the first artist in history to score at least 50 number one songs on a single Billboard chart.

interview, madonna
