Dominic Monaghan Says ‘Lost’ Co-Star Evangeline Lilly Broke His Heart

Sep 01, 2022 13:20

Dominic Monaghan Gets Candid About "Devastating" Split From Lost Co-star Evangeline Lilly
- E! News (@enews) September 1, 2022

He dated Lilly from 2004 to 2007, noted that the two were even discussing marriage and kids.

"I've only really got my heart broken once in my life. I was dating an actress on Lost called Evangeline Lilly, who, you know, has gone on to have a name all of her own. I don't really know how she would explain the narrative, but from my point of view, it was probably the first time in my life that I was all in."

Monaghan said his drinking and partying ultimately led to the split.

"I would only consider it a weekend if I was drunk out of my mind on a Friday and Saturday night. I thought that was normal. I think if you are drinking often, probably your behavior, choices and mood are up for debate and I think Evie was pretty straight down the middle... I was always the guy that wanted more."

Lilly was allegedly seeing someone else while they were together because someone else told him.
He felt like the Lost crew knew Lilly was allegedly cheating on him and had kept the secret from him.

"I think she was looking around to see what else was an option. Unfortunately, there was a bit of a crossover which was upsetting for me and it exploded in my face in an awful way. I genuinely think they were trying to help. They didn't think I had all the facts and thought there was a chance the island of Oahu was laughing at me."


lost (abc), breakup
