Taylor Lautner's Fiancée Will Also Be Named Taylor Lautner

Aug 16, 2022 16:32

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"We're literally going to be the same person." Taylor Lautner is celebrating his recent engagement to his fiancée - also named Taylor - and jokes with Kelly that once they are married they'll BOTH be named Taylor Lautner.

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taylor lautner, television - morning / daytime, kelly clarkson, slow news day, interview

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ripqueequeg August 16 2022, 23:40:27 UTC
They could just...not take his last name?

I'm getting married in October and I'm over how many times I've had to explain the fact that I'm not taking my partner's last name.


myhipusername August 16 2022, 23:47:14 UTC
congrats on the marriage! i dont want to take my boyfriends last name either, im one of the last few women in my family with my last name and im keeping it. he has a nice last name and idk how that convo will ever go but its far too sexist to me that the man doesnt take wife's last name. i know marriage was meant as business dealings at first etc but i dont care!! times have changed take your wifes maiden name too! show youre really partners, not just her sacrificing her name lol


ripqueequeg August 16 2022, 23:57:42 UTC
Thank you!!!! And yes! It's enough that I automatically took my fathers last name, at least i have a choice in this one!!!

Like...ive established a lot with my name, i feel like I'd be starting over if i changed it... although i would like the concept of people from my past never being able to find me looool


veracity August 17 2022, 05:15:13 UTC
My husband took my last name. Easier on my paperwork and gave him a clean start. So our kid will be my last name as well. We're both the last in line.


kansascshuffle August 17 2022, 11:39:51 UTC
I don't really care about my second name or the sexism behind changing names after wedding because my reasons are simpler: I am lazy af and there's no way I'd go to every official institution to make sure they've changed the name in their records. Also Facebook and everything else, lmao. Ain't nobody got time for that.


colorheartsgrey August 17 2022, 15:14:42 UTC
Same. Been married for 5 years but I've ONLY added his last name after mine on Facebook, that's it.


kary1591 August 17 2022, 00:54:09 UTC
I didn’t take my husband’s last name either.
But yeah, such a simple fix to this.

Congrats btw!


mwffj August 17 2022, 01:56:50 UTC
I also did not take my husband's last name. They eventually stop asking.


umilicious August 17 2022, 02:33:39 UTC
I didn’t take my ex-husband’s last name, and my dude said that he doesn’t want me to take his if we ever get married. He likes my name as-is, which is good because I wouldn’t change it even if he wanted me to.

I remember being jealous of all the Jennifers and other girls with more common American English names because of the name thing when I was a kid. I know better now :)


bluesforgotten August 17 2022, 03:12:18 UTC
I love that it's way more common to consider a variety of options for married names! I have friends that have and have not changed, who combined, whatever. I'm taking my husband's name because I hate my dad's family and like the sound of his name with mine so much that I don't want to figure out a mutual alternative, lol.


spiffle August 17 2022, 03:48:31 UTC
We came up with a new name together and I get to go through the frustrating experience of trying to explain to people that no, I'm not Mrs X. Yes, I'm married but I'm not a Mrs.


honeym00navenue August 17 2022, 04:38:28 UTC

In my country you can't take your spouse's name, so I always found it weird. We can however give our kids both our names. So if I'm called Anna Johnson and my partner would be Steven Monroe, our kid could be Timmy Johnson Monroe or Timmy Monroe Johnson.

Makes a lot more sense tbh. Why would I want my partner's name? Yikes. Also I would always write my former name out of habit.

Congrats on the marriage! I'm also getting married in October 🖤


libre_m August 17 2022, 12:02:03 UTC
Question - if your child marries another person with two last names, would your grandchildren then have four last names? Or would the parents just pick their favorites and keep it at two?


honeym00navenue August 17 2022, 12:50:38 UTC

They can pick their favourites. They can also chose to just give it the mother's name. It has to remain with a max of two last names!


libre_m August 17 2022, 12:53:24 UTC
Ooooh,interesting! They can pick - I love that!


galactoze August 17 2022, 06:57:50 UTC
I still have to explain it to tons of people, 2 years after being married


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