Britney Spears Working on ‘Revenge’ Album Set to Be Released Alongside Upcoming Memoir

Aug 03, 2022 05:19

Britney Spears is apparently already in the studio, ending her six-year hiatus with a ‘revenge’ album set to be released along side her upcoming delayed memoir.

🚨 Britney Spears is reportedly working on a ‘revenge’ album that will be released alongside her upcoming memoir.

- Pop Base (@PopBase) August 2, 2022

According to a source close to Britney who spoke to Globe, she is working with friends she trusts and is getting into a rhythm and establishing her own style.

“Britney hasn’t always been opposed to making music,” but “she's been emotionally damaged by how she was used for money and only permitted to perform in a specific style and with corny songs her dad liked.”

The source claims Britney is “motivated” to show the world that she isn’t the bubblegum pop star that many anticipate her to be since her songs in the rumored future album will discuss her ordeal.

Paris Hilton talking about “Tiny dancer - Britney Spears x Elton john” 😍🥵🤩🤩
- britneytiktoks (@britneytiktoks) August 2, 2022

Paris Hilton also confirmed her besties upcoming duet with Elton John to his song Tiny Dancer saying, “It’s going to be iconic. I just heard it a couple days ago in Ibiza. It’s insane.”

source + source

elton john, britney spears, paris hilton
