Jessica Alba Says Marvel Movies Are ‘Still Quite Caucasian’

Jul 22, 2022 17:24

Jessica Alba Says Marvel Movies Are ‘Still Quite Caucasian’: Not Much Has Changed Since ‘Fantastic Four’ Days
- Variety (@Variety) July 21, 2022
Jessica Alba criticized Marvel movies in a recent interview, saying the franchise remains far too dominated by white actors. Alba starred as Sue Storm in “Fantastic Four ( Read more... )

jessica alba, marvel, race / racism

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bodyline July 22 2022, 18:03:11 UTC
i mean, they've straight up whitewashed characters (the maximoff twins, the ancient one) and then there's a handful of characters who were white in the comics but should've been changed for the films (dr. starnge, iron fist), characters who were poc in ultimates but white in 616 (janet van dyne), legacy characters who were poc who they should've used (miles as spider-man instead of peter AGAIN)

so she's not wrong lol


miwa201 July 22 2022, 18:46:58 UTC
i still can't believe the tilda swinton thing lmao


la_petite_singe July 22 2022, 22:25:53 UTC
And never casting Jewish actors for Magneto.


bodyline July 22 2022, 22:34:25 UTC
that's a Fox problem, although i will be SHOCKED if the MCU corrects it smh

there were rumors awhile ago that they were looking to cast young black actors for both magneto and prof x, which... for xavier, fine, but erik's entire backstory revolves around him being a holocaust survivor.


whiterabit July 23 2022, 01:53:55 UTC
not everyone in the camps were white or white passing, they sent many people of color and any one they generally disagreed with. Afro-Germans, etc.


bodyline July 23 2022, 02:22:52 UTC
sure, but we're dealing with the same people who couldn't comprehend that the ancient one could be female AND asian, like they don't know how to handle intersectionality. plus iircc the rumors (and again, that's all this is, so take it with a grain of salt) specified they were looking for younger actors, which unless they're gonna make it a period piece like 'first class' means he couldn't have been in the camps, he'd for sure be too young.


whiterabit July 24 2022, 00:34:34 UTC
wait, I completely missed the young part. Really dark if they remove that storyline.


bodyline July 24 2022, 00:52:35 UTC
yeah, honestly i think marvel are setting themselves up for a mess no matter what because ideally magneto should be an old man but even if they stick to his origins, they then have to explain why mutants have been around this entire time and just somehow no one noticed?????

hot take but i think they should just do the x-men in their own universe with like an occasional crossover, getting them into the main mcu at this point is going to be so convoluted.


headcaseheidi July 23 2022, 13:32:44 UTC
+ bobby drake and kitty pryde 🙃


halevy July 23 2022, 01:09:34 UTC
This is why I am bitch eating cracker levels with MCU Wanda. No amount of girlbossing a whitewashed character who willingly joins a Nazi organization, terrorizes innocent people in some convoluted plot to get revenge on the Avengers (when it's just Tony? But... also a complex situation there) and then terrorizes innocent people again because her boyfriend died will ever compel me to cheer for this woman. Sure, the writers ain't shit for it, but I can't get over people actively cheering for this whitewashed woman to murder a Latina child in MOM and also killing a Black woman in it, not to mention how she was almost ready to murder a Black woman in WandaVision for ruining her fake fantasy land.

Dr. Strange absolutely should have been Asian. As I said in another MCU post, where are us Asian scientists and doctors who aren't just sitting in the background? Our parents didn't guilt us in to med school and higher education for no reason!! lmao


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