How Austin Butler Beat Out Harry Styles, Ansel Elgort and Miles Teller to Play Elvis

Jul 09, 2022 21:20

How Austin Butler Beat Out Harry Styles, Ansel Elgort and Miles Teller to Play Elvis
- Variety (@Variety) July 8, 2022

sourcean interview with Elvis Casting director Denise Chamian ( Read more... )

harry styles, ansel elgort, miles teller, casting / auditions

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sibylblack July 9 2022, 19:34:34 UTC
It makes no sense to me how they seriously considered Harry for the role. You know that everybody would just go to watch him and not Elvis.

I was skeptical when they announced they cast Austin but he seriously did an incredible job and I watched a few interviews with him promoting the movie, he comes across so nice and humble, I hope he has a good career.


jamesdean July 9 2022, 21:21:39 UTC
luv ur icon.

and i agree with everything in this comment! i was also skeptical about him because i really hadn't seen anything with him in it. but i was very pleasantly surprised and he seems like a good egg. i stan!


sibylblack July 9 2022, 21:49:05 UTC
Same ♥ Have you seen the interview with puppies (where my icon is from)? I was melting


jamesdean July 9 2022, 23:07:52 UTC
i have not but i'm about to go watch it rn!


sea_thoughts July 9 2022, 21:32:31 UTC
From what I've read, Harry was desperate to play Elvis but Luhrmann realised after meeting him that it wouldn't work because he's already a superstar and there's no way anyone would look at him and see Elvis.


thispaintedlife July 9 2022, 22:01:13 UTC
he doesn't have the range.gif and needs to accept it


sea_thoughts July 9 2022, 22:32:24 UTC


aristobrit July 9 2022, 22:27:04 UTC
Butler is the only one of those mentioned who vaguely resembles Elvis. Harry doesn't look anything like him and I'm tired of seeing biopics with leads that don't even look the part. Visuals do matter.


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