Bill Hader and Anna Kendrick Break Up

Jun 28, 2022 12:30

Bill Hader and Anna Kendrick split up.
- Entertainment Tonight (@etnow) June 28, 2022

A source tells ET, "Bill Hader and Anna Kendrick have broken up."

2 months ago, Hader was asked by ET if his real-life girlfriend would be guest starring on his HBO show, Barry"Oh no," Hader, 44, told ET of the possibility of Kendrick ( Read more... )

true love / love is dead, bill hader, breakup, anna kendrick

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adeliatala42 June 28 2022, 19:33:26 UTC
I feel like this man has Pete energy--I don't understand how he keeps breaking the hearts of these ladies?? Maybe I'm just bitter cause I love Rachel Bilson. I've heard Anna is not the nicest human so whateves.


bttrsondaughter June 28 2022, 19:59:56 UTC
Dan Aykroyd did not date Lorne’s ex-wife, Carrie Fisher, Gilda Radner and Penny Marshall for Pete Davidson to be the standard bearer for all SNL men


zakara June 28 2022, 20:22:10 UTC
He dated Laraine Newman, not Gilda!


bttrsondaughter June 28 2022, 20:36:38 UTC
my mistake! but also Laraine, what a fucking legend


headcaseheidi June 28 2022, 22:26:35 UTC
i thought he dated both of them?

+ catherine o’hara!


iburiedjohn June 29 2022, 01:16:41 UTC
Whhhy is this making me laugh so hard? 😂


vespertinev June 29 2022, 14:24:02 UTC
But Dan is charming, we can see why women would date him.


frickinawesome7 June 28 2022, 20:39:55 UTC
glitterslugs June 28 2022, 21:36:10 UTC
rly bc rachel comes off super mean to me lol (what i've listened to in podcasts anyways)


laurondo June 28 2022, 23:29:00 UTC
The one podcast I listened to of hers she barely talked and when asked questions she'd give a non answer. It reminded me of her ex Hayden Christensen's non answer to questions during his recent press tour, lol. Also made me wonder why she even bothers having a podcast, lol


slaughtermatic June 29 2022, 13:46:14 UTC
Lol I only recently picked up on Hayden's style of talking, never heard an interview before, and he is the actual personification of give us nothing.


sweetwaterlane June 29 2022, 02:36:58 UTC
was she the one who told that story of some male celeb asking her not to share an embarrassing photo of them from high school? Where the consensus was 'eek, way to throw him under the bus and draw more attention to the photo.' I could be thinking of one of her lookalikes.


glitterslugs June 29 2022, 03:35:00 UTC
yes!!! and then she went on a podcast and complained about it but also admitted they haven't spoken since HS anyways, so they were never good friends lol


sodenoshirayuki June 29 2022, 03:42:19 UTC
nah that was her and rami malek iirc


evilyn_1007 June 29 2022, 03:56:31 UTC
no, that was her and Rami Malek.


slaughtermatic June 28 2022, 23:39:12 UTC
No, that's too far lol. Bill has opposite pete energy, quiet and pretty talented.


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