Olivia Rodrigo Brings Out Lily Allen for "Fuck You" to Supreme Court over Roe vs Wade at Glastonbury

Jun 25, 2022 12:47

@oliviarodrigo & lily allen i absolutely fucking adore you. thank you for standing up for our rights. ur such a bad bitch ily <3 pic.twitter.com/9xYPaBvqZV
- lex misses liv 💜 (@swiftrighoe) June 25, 2022
Olivia Rodrigo brought out Lily Allen as a special guest to sing “Fuck You” in response to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. Introducing ( Read more... )

lily allen, #glastonbury2022, music festival, olivia rodrigo, politics

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distant_lines June 25 2022, 19:53:27 UTC
I honestly don't know how we haven't burned it all to the ground yet.


my_moloko June 25 2022, 20:28:08 UTC
I'm seeing calls for a general strike on Monday.


cassismagic June 25 2022, 21:08:20 UTC
aleksie June 25 2022, 22:27:42 UTC
The US does a really good job of keeping many people fearful and just comfortable enough that they don't want to risk things or be inconvenienced.

I see it in smaller ways, I see it in larger ways. I've been thinking about this for some time, when I've seen people in other countries have sustained protests.


maidenhell June 26 2022, 02:45:03 UTC
I'm intrigued by this comment and I totally agree. I've been thinking a lot lately about how psychology (and psychological control) influences our lives and decisions, with most people not realizing it. I don't think we, as a society, want to learn more about it because it is scary and shows how susceptible to outside influences (over our own self thoughts or interests) we are.


aleksie June 26 2022, 04:43:09 UTC
I think about this a lot, because I work in academia and see tenured professors be silent so much. They're in departments at institutions that will never go away, so they have security very few people have in the world.

But there's always a reason to not say something and it's herd mentality because it's so normalized. When I've asked them about this, it's because there's some other carrot dangled in front of them. Yeah, it'll suck if they don't get another promotion and it's unjust and also- they will have a job with insurance, retirement options... I've had to spell it out that I could lose my job and be homeless and without insurance, so it's not an excuse to not say something.


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