Winona Ryder poses for Marc Jacobs campaign 22 years after the first time!

Jun 01, 2022 20:26

Winona Ryder Goes Grunge in Marc Jacobs' Campaign Launching Chic New Shoulder Bag
- People (@people) June 1, 2022

Emma Wyman is credited as the stylist for the look for the campaign, which comes nearly 20 years after Ryder's first collaboration with the fashion brand. She previously served as the face of the label's Spring ( Read more... )

fashion, winona ryder

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Comments 50

orangutanis June 2 2022, 06:54:27 UTC
She looks gorgeous!
I’m annoyed that they’ve reduced her role so much on Stranger Things. She was basically the heart of the show in the early seasons


masktaster June 2 2022, 06:59:48 UTC
Winona deserves better


hyperpop June 2 2022, 09:42:38 UTC
I hate that her whole storyline this season was chasing after Hopper >:(


bnlmaroonvwbug June 2 2022, 17:44:57 UTC
lol plz. she did not chase hopper like he was trying to get away from her. she rescued his ass like the bamf she is. and what else was going on for her? she got this lead to go save her man and she went off before anything else had gone down yet because she is a woman of action, not sitting around.


skeetertuskin June 2 2022, 06:54:57 UTC
How is she 51? Ageless queen. Like The Stranger Things hair and makeup team literally have to age her to make her look her age.


masktaster June 2 2022, 06:59:14 UTC
Love her, love the pics, want those shoes but omg Joyce is a horrible mom/parental supervisor like wtf lady


genbu_no_miko24 June 2 2022, 07:16:09 UTC
LOL all the parents!! This season just further solidified how all the parents are negligent.

But also I don't mind cause I know it's the 80s trope and also for plot reasons lol.


hellojeds June 2 2022, 08:36:18 UTC
Yep, I grew up with 80s film and tv and the "adults are useless" trope is very enjoyable. I'm watching Season 4 now and everything about it is pinging my nostalgia receptors. It's like a big, familiar comfort blanket.


_kleptomane June 2 2022, 07:18:10 UTC
I've always loved her, she was one of my first crushes...but more in a how are you so beautiful way. That said, and don't come for me ONTD, but I can't really tell if she's a good actress anymore. She's done so little work recently in bad stuff, and is given so little to do (as far as acting range goes) in Stranger Things that I can't quite tell. In ST she basically just has a few teary and worried things to do and not much else and some of the performance isn't necessarily camp or bad but rather kind of I don't know, stiff or awkward. I do think she was fantastic in her younger days in the various roles she played, especially in the early 90s and in The Age of Innocence but I just can't figure out what she's doing when it comes to certain acting choices these days. Either way, Winona forever ( ... )


genbu_no_miko24 June 2 2022, 07:23:10 UTC
I don't think Winona was ever the strongest actress but I always thought she landed the emotional/non-verbal acting 100% better.

But regarding her current stuff I think she's been keeping it chill~ after the whole shoplifting drama. That and I don't think they've given much stuff in these last few seasons. Joyce was at her strongest in s1.


_kleptomane June 2 2022, 07:31:38 UTC
Yeah, I can see that. Now that I'm sitting here thinking about her earlier work, there does seem to be a certain quiet pattern to them. Especially in The Age of Innocence she's mostly an elegant quiet presence that says it all with her body language and eyes until later in the film. I know there have been some flashier moments in her roles, but I guess yeah...she does thrive in conveying an emotion in silence. Like her twirling around beautifully and looking ethereal while the ice shavings fall around her in Edward Scissorhands is one of the top moments and I guess performance bits in film history for me. ☺️


winter_lace June 2 2022, 07:42:57 UTC
I always considered her to be a mediocre actress that shines in the right role. She was excellent in Girl, Interrupted. And that brief moment she was in Black Swan? I know it's meme'd but she really captured that slight hysterical, unhinged vibe of betrayal.


therearewords June 2 2022, 07:44:34 UTC
With those bangs?


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