Olivia Munn is “Panicking” Due to Baby Formula Shortage

May 20, 2022 14:43

It’s so crazy when people say “if you breastfeed you won’t have to worry about the formula shortage!” I have low milk supply, so to keep my baby fed I depend on formula. I wish I could breastfeed so I wouldn’t be panicking about the shortage right now. But I don’t have a choice.
- o l i v i a (@oliviamunn) May 19, 2022
Olivia Munn slammed the people ( Read more... )

olivia munn

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Comments 147

allmylines May 20 2022, 22:09:04 UTC
never forget the 192 house republicans who just voted AGAINST an emergency funding bill to help feed the babies they’re now gonna be forcing us to have!!!

i hate it here.


fauxkaren May 20 2022, 22:11:06 UTC
goddamn i hope Dems get their shit together re: messaging and hit the GOP HARD with this for the midterms.


allmylines May 20 2022, 22:17:33 UTC
i have very very very little faith in the party to do that but i am hoping to be proven wrong!

like between this and everything relating to roe the messaging should be easy, but at the national level biden is still tanking/making wtf decisions and the dnc and dccc are so unbelievably out of touch. it doesn’t help that between biden, chuck, and nancy the national party leaders are all rich old white people.

i have been active in the party since 2007 and worked in politics since 2010 and this is the most discouraged i think i have ever been tbh.


mslmao May 21 2022, 04:44:13 UTC
They will not.


freakymysty May 20 2022, 22:18:08 UTC
I’m so sorry for all the parents that have to be so incredibly stressed about the formula shortage right now. The fact that babies are showing up at the ER having seizures from watered down formula is heartbreaking. Hope all the Republicans that voted against a bill to address the formula shortage die in a fiery car crash tbh. Literally how heartless do you have to be to want to force ppl to have babies then let babies suffer from starvation?

Edited to change mom to parents bc obviously there are dads out there stressed too and to be inclusive of all who have babies.


helyanwe89 May 20 2022, 22:26:21 UTC
My sister had the same issue, she wanted to breastfeed but didn't have enough milk. She was in tears over it & the doctor telling her she didn't think the baby was getting enough. The baby is now 14 months old & is eating regular food but she really feels for the other parents because had this happened a bit earlier that's where she would have been.


evilgerbil May 21 2022, 17:14:47 UTC
All the lactation consultants had me waking up every 2 hours to pump and massage and hand express. I already had bad perinatal mood disorder and the stress, and sleep dep made it worse. Thank god our pediatrician was understanding.


delfintaka May 20 2022, 22:32:46 UTC
I am glad she is educating people (who let's be real, just should not have opinions on the topic) about how breastfeeding works!

I hope her baby stays fed! I wonder what people are doing? Are they starting supplementing with solids earlier, or what?


distant_lines May 20 2022, 22:37:07 UTC
I've seen women I know who are breastfeeding and have a good supply offer to nurse other babies if any moms are in a bind. Don't know if anything like that will spread, as I think some Americans have some hangups around it, but I hope it will help some families in need.


archersangel May 21 2022, 06:37:35 UTC
I wonder what people are doing? Are they starting supplementing with solids earlier, or what?

I think some are supplementing with cow's milk (if their pediatrician approves) & if the baby is nearly a year old, pediatricians are saying they can use toddler formula. A few might be using milk from a breast milk bank.


evilgerbil May 21 2022, 17:17:14 UTC
I found a mega pack of formula on Amazon for $300 and bought that. Friends have been buying formula when they see it. I've been pumping more to try to increase my supply. I'm sick right now but can't take anything because it either negatively impacts milk production or is not safe for the baby, and I can't afford to pump and dump right now. I think we are well stocked for the time being.


toxic_illusion May 20 2022, 22:37:42 UTC
@ Bette Middler sis.



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