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prettymorning27 May 15 2022, 22:07:36 UTC
It's certainly possible that she was (and is) difficult to work with. but I don't find the stuff she said here all that bad?

also who tf wants to date Liam Neeson?!


jemgirl90 May 15 2022, 22:23:43 UTC
Who tf wants to date Liam Neeson

When you look at his dating history, a lot of famous woman. Helen Mirren, Barbara Streisand, Brook Shields, etc. Janice Dickson once said his penis was the girth of an evian bottole

... )


prettymorning27 May 15 2022, 22:25:40 UTC
good point. I remember that Evian bottle comment lol

I guess I mean more, who on ONTD would want to date Liam Neeson? After the stuff we've heard about him?


primimproper May 16 2022, 03:01:25 UTC

I have not heard the stuff about him?

I just like his voice, and since it's fantasy anyway, I assumed I was getting him at his peak.


ginainabottle May 15 2022, 22:37:39 UTC
lol @ me thinking there'd be a picture of his penis under the spoiler cut


inwazyja May 15 2022, 22:59:56 UTC
I legit thought it would be a picture of a bottle of Evian.


carolinalily May 15 2022, 23:17:35 UTC
There’s a gif or video clip floating around of him naked and running and the Evian bottle comparison is accurate. Idt Ontd rules would allow it posted here tho.


preciate_ya May 16 2022, 00:06:13 UTC
Yup, I actually saw it forever ago on ONTD.


cosmic_starz May 16 2022, 07:01:34 UTC
lol same tbh (I'm relieved it wasn't)


tralexora May 16 2022, 17:12:14 UTC
Sigh, makes me miss pOrNTD


frejasface May 15 2022, 22:48:16 UTC


nutmegdealer May 15 2022, 22:46:15 UTC
i would engage in sweet fellowship with him because he doesn't seem to have a personality other than being irish and packing heat.
and then i would def be back making a locked ontd original.


prettymorning27 May 15 2022, 22:48:54 UTC
isn't he the one who said he went hunting for black guys looking to fight/kill one after his friend was hurt?

edit: https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/113797282.html


nutmegdealer May 15 2022, 22:59:55 UTC
yes, but he's totally not racist because he did a love scene with viola davis.


howlin_wolf_66 May 16 2022, 12:03:18 UTC
You mean Liam 'Evian bottle' Neeson? Size queens and kings, maybe, lol ...

(Somebody come through with the gif; I don't know how to do it).


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