Michelle Williams says Jeremy Strong helped her and her daughter after Heath Ledger’s passing

May 10, 2022 20:06

After Ledger died, Strong moved into Williams’ home, along with her sister and another friend. There, he would spend hours letting Williams and Ledger’s daughter Matilda ride on his back, pretending that he was a pony.https://t.co/2oR0v2Aji4
- Film Updates (@FilmUpdates) May 10, 2022


she also defends Jeremy from that New Yorker profile ( Read more... )

michelle williams, heath ledger

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Comments 159

theactualworst May 10 2022, 19:58:05 UTC
Her being tight with Jeremy Strong fits perfectly with my perception of her lol.


evillemmons May 10 2022, 20:38:23 UTC
theactualworst May 10 2022, 21:32:16 UTC
Given her past affairs and some stories I’ve seen from others she’s just always had an air to me of pompousness and a general disregard for other’s feelings to me. She’s very much all about Michelle and her ~art.


filmstudent23 May 11 2022, 01:40:15 UTC
I wanna frame this lol. It's exactly the way I see her


doriiansz May 10 2022, 20:03:06 UTC
Jeremy's Emmy campaign is Strong. Can't deny that.


polynucleotide May 10 2022, 20:05:41 UTC
hilarious enough he doesnt even need one. once he submits that finale the race is over.


klossier May 10 2022, 21:02:33 UTC
I mean I hope so but I feel like he didn’t win a lot this season cuz of squid game


scriptedending May 10 2022, 20:04:19 UTC
Glad he was there for her when she needed help.

I didn't realize til I read this that Matilda is 16... must be so weird having a 16 year old and a toddler with another one on the way. Hope she's doing well.


djbbgoose May 10 2022, 20:18:29 UTC
wait another one on the way? i thought she already had the baby after that messy business with the microphones guy, but i see there was a post earlier today i completely missed


pi_lady May 10 2022, 21:01:26 UTC
patchsassy May 11 2022, 00:10:48 UTC
My cousin has a freshman in college and a kindergartner. She loves her kids but I think she realizes that she's a nut for having the last one LOL (We told her not to name her after our grandmother, who was a handful, but she didn't listen.)


polynucleotide May 10 2022, 20:05:11 UTC
thats nice of him to step up and lend support like that.


dandyxwarhol May 10 2022, 20:08:32 UTC
Her with short hair gives me Mia Farrow vibes lately


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