Man Married to Hologram Can’t Talk to Wife Due to Software Glitch

May 03, 2022 17:37

Instead of loving words, he got a "network error."
- Futurism (@futurism) May 2, 2022

Akihiko Kondo is a 38-year old fictosexual, which is someone attracted to fictional characters. He married a holographic representation of virtual star Hatsune Miku in 2018, but is now unable to talk to her due to a software glitch.

He would talk to her through a $1300 device called Gamebox, but the developers now say the limited production model of Miku has run its course. Now he gets a network error when he tries to communicate with his wife.

Kondo says his love for Miku hasn’t changed. He married her in a ceremony that cost $17,300 because he thought they would be together forever. He’s since commissioned a life-size doll of Miku to keep him company.

true love / love is dead, computers and technology, marriage / wedding
