When Tiffany Pollard was just a Head Bitch In Charge in training, she was the subject of ridicule by ignorant peasants who didn't understand her.
“Honestly, I was born the HBIC. And what I mean by that is, I never felt like I belonged, whether that be grade school, middle school, or high school. I went to college for two days and dropped out. I was always in the middle of ridicule because I wanted to wear makeup and hair that was colored differently, and where I’m from in upstate New York, all that is a no-no.”
Queen P says:
“I get attention just walking down the street being the HBIC. I don’t have to put a stitch of makeup on and men are going to turn, women are going to turn, and children are going to turn and say, “Who is that?” I don’t know why or how it happens, but they all watch me.”
good to know that children are learning the important lessons early!
Poll source Oh also the week i took a break from ontd she published an interview with Interview magazine. whoops, sorry queen!