Paul Bettany is no longer a witness in $50M defamation trial Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE)
April 25, 2022 ICYMI Paul Bettany is one of the celebrities entangled in the Wifebeater Johnny Depp Crusade. The most well-known instance of his connection are text messages between him and JD "joking" about violence towards Amber Heard.
During Wifebeater JD's testimony, more communication between he and Bettany discussing past conflicts JD had with Amber Heard and involvement JD and/or Bettany had with drugs. Also apparently Amber upset his son? OP doesn't even know where to begin.
You remember giving testimony under oath in the UK, right? Depp: Yes. Depp is reading a transcript document from then. Discussion on Paul Bettany. Depp supplied Bettany any drugs he asked for.
- The Geek Buzz (@Geekthedog)
April 21, 2022 Southern Gentleman? Yes, Depp confirms he is. Now Paul Bettany - you've done drugs with him before, right? Depp: Yes. (Depp makes comments under his breath for the jury's benefit like just now: where is he going with this?)
- The Geek Buzz (@Geekthedog)
April 21, 2022 JD describes AH getting into an argument with PB - says AH started arguing over PB and it got a bit heated. PB’s 18yo son was present and he entered the conversation. Says AH "demeaned that young man to the point that he burst into tears and walked away and it was at that...
- Nick Wallis (@nickwallis)
April 25, 2022 Source 1 2 3 Title is a reference to his
comments on the matter ;). Note how he says he didn't know Wifebeater during this time... huh! Excuse me if the formatting is off, did the post on mobile.