Amy Poehler to produce show about Swedish death cleaning

Apr 09, 2022 12:42

Amy Poehler and Peacock Are Bringing The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning to Life
- People (@people) April 9, 2022
Amy Poehler will narrate and executive produce a new tv show called “The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning” for the Peacock network ( Read more... )

amy poehler, television

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Comments 71

therearewords April 9 2022, 19:53:58 UTC
Swedes of ONTD, can anyone translate? Euthanasia Cleaning, what?


stuffedpanda April 9 2022, 19:58:07 UTC
Döstädning, or the art of death cleaning, is a Swedish phenomenon by which the elderly and their families set their affairs in order. Whether it's sorting the family heirlooms from the junk, downsizing to a smaller place, or setting up a system to help you stop misplacing your keys, death cleaning gives us the chance to make the later years of our lives as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Whatever your age, Swedish death cleaning can be used to help you de-clutter your life, and take stock of what's important. Margareta Magnusson has death cleaned for herself and for many others. Radical and joyous, her guide is an invigorating, touching and surprising process that can help you or someone you love immeasurably, and offers the chance to celebrate and reflect on all the tiny joys that make up a long life along the way.


therearewords April 9 2022, 19:59:27 UTC
Danki, dear.


poordat April 9 2022, 19:57:50 UTC
This sound really neat, honestly.

[Edit] This is actually really cool and I'm not surprised it's a swede that coined a term for it. I'm still going through my grandmother's estate several years on. I was never one for stuff and sentimentality and this process has made me even less so. I basically already do this - every couple months I get together things I don't need or want and invite my mother and sister to come pick through it, then donate everything else. It makes my life so much less stressful and as someone who has been depressed for A Very Long Time, the act of being mindful of my own mortality and what I leave behind has been really meaningful.


ty April 9 2022, 21:49:57 UTC
When I got to the part of A Very Long Time. I wanted to jump through the screen to give you a hug or something. I am right there with you and I understand.


poordat April 9 2022, 21:59:03 UTC


therearewords April 9 2022, 19:58:41 UTC
Oh god, wrong Amy 😂


itsme_eloise April 9 2022, 20:02:09 UTC
my mom is doing this but she's not Swedish. I think after 3/4 of my grandparents passed, she was like "we cannot do this to our kids." she and my dad have both become very anti-stuff and she's told me where to find her passwords. I think it's a sweet and thoughtful thing to do for your loved ones. that being said, she is way too chill about dying (whenever that will be) for me to handle.


glutenfreefool April 9 2022, 20:23:01 UTC
That's really great of your parents! I know a lot of people don't like thinking about the end, but it really is a thoughtful way to help your family and show that you care, thinking of what they'll have to deal with after your passing and making it easier for them (especially while you have your mental faculties to do so).

My parents aren't old but the first vacation they took without me, they showed me exactly where all of the passwords and paperwork is kept. I appreciated that they were super organized in that regard.


clickyraptor April 9 2022, 20:33:49 UTC
My mom dropped it casually in conversation the other day and now I know exactly what it means I'm're 70, mom!
Like you, I appreciate the gesture, but she has to have lots of time left on this planet.


itsme_eloise April 9 2022, 21:04:20 UTC
yeah every time she brings it up I'm like COOLMOMTHANKSANYWAY...
but I do appreciate it


peachypearl April 9 2022, 20:02:50 UTC
Wow that job description sounds like a thin line between really fulfilling and incredibly depressing. I suppose it also depends on your clients. But I could never do something like that (And I've done customer facing call center work for almost 10 years)


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