@markwahlberg drank glasses of olive oil to gain weight for "Father Stu" role
https://t.co/FIlvC06NN4 pic.twitter.com/jgmRHPebzL- ET Canada (@ETCanada)
April 5, 2022 - In this ET Canada Exclusive(!) Marky Mark talks about what suffering he put himself through for his art;
- "… I tried to do it in a healthy way. It was a dozen eggs and a dozen pieces of bacon, two baked potatoes, a Porterhouse steak, two bowls of white rice, and a glass of olive oil. The first two weeks were high proteins. The second two weeks were a lot of carbs. The last two weeks starches, and then sodium, just to kind of get as bloated as possible."
Another cute quote:
- “When I was talking about making this film, I knew that Mel had made ‘The Passion of The Chris’t, and I really admired what he was able to do with that film. He financed it himself. It was his love letter to God,” Wahlberg said.
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