Justin Theroux posts video of Jennifer Aniston smoking while wearing ‘cool blonde’ T-shirt

Feb 13, 2022 11:47

Hypnotized by the video Justin Theroux just posted of Jennifer Aniston for her birthday pic.twitter.com/4mw3WOFvm5
- Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) February 11, 2022
On friday, Justin Theroux wished Jennifer a happy 53rd birthday with an Instagram story post, before quickly deleting it. He shared a video of Jennifer lighting a cigarette as she rocked ( Read more... )

sensitive content, jennifer aniston, attention whore, slow news day, justin theroux, actor / actress

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anderbobo February 13 2022, 11:51:27 UTC
Its so interesting to me that she seems so invested in health and still smokes. I mean i'm sure 99.9% of actresses smoke but it does always surprise me given how bad they just for your skin/looks/aging etc let alone the internal health issues.


ishi_chan February 13 2022, 11:53:46 UTC
quitting smoking seems really hard tbh so I'm never shocked when someone can't seem to shake it


steph313 February 13 2022, 15:48:18 UTC
My husband quit 7 years ago, but then just started popping the nicotine tablets all the time instead. He finally just quit those in December and even that's been a process.

That's not even counting the times he quit and started up again before all that. Shit grabs a hold of you.


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noxonesxlooking February 13 2022, 17:34:53 UTC
Yeah I quit after my father died in 2020. He quit in 1983 and STILL got lung cancer. I haven’t found it difficult at all. Like I miss them and have dreams about them but I will never smoke a cig again after seeing what he had to go through.


sandrajane February 13 2022, 19:15:07 UTC
My mom did too! It was soon after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was the prep before the surgery. The doctors were kindly urging her to quit smoking by then. She was doing some sort of test (blowing into a tube to move the ball) and couldn't do it. Went cold turkey that day. Never touched a cigarette again. That was about 15 years ago.


mzgrottesca February 13 2022, 16:59:42 UTC
My mother quit for a year and half from 2020 to late 2021 and just... inexplicably picked it back up. My sister went back to smoking this year after almost 15 years clean. So wild to me.


likeiused2 February 13 2022, 19:30:21 UTC
stress will bring it back source: tis i


mrshoneybee February 14 2022, 15:57:46 UTC
I quit smoking 11 years ago and I still think about it every day. I am low key miserable, all the time, without it.


tomelette February 13 2022, 17:46:35 UTC
I started smoking when I was 30 as a way of escaping from work when I was at the office. It was the only time that people could take a break. I quit that job 6 years and I'm still smoking. I tried to quit 4 times, failed. I'll try to quit again until it sticks. But it's not easy during the pandemic considering that I also live with my parents who are not easy but also heavy smokers. :/


ahkna February 13 2022, 17:48:07 UTC
my nana finally quit after more than 60 years smoking because she was getting complaints when she moved into a new condo


janetdkd February 13 2022, 21:25:15 UTC
I smoked for 15 years
Last year I quit just like that. I never looked back, never craved one or took a blow or whatever
I think it was miracle from Gods because I do not have any strong will about anything


tree_star123 February 13 2022, 21:32:52 UTC
my dad quit after so many years of smoking but he's constantly snacking on mixed seeds and nuts idk if it's some coping mechanism


lozbabie February 14 2022, 00:09:38 UTC
My mum gave up smoking and then started again 8 years later. She quit again but I remember being so mad at her.


ionadelfina February 13 2022, 12:32:51 UTC
I think for a lot of hollywood ‘health conscious’ just equates to being skinny. Smoking helps kill food cravings apparently.


rev0lution_cry February 13 2022, 17:39:20 UTC
this is why my mom smokes to this day
she's afraid to get fat


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