Rachel Zegler shades Ansel Elgort by cropping him out of photo

Jan 30, 2022 01:34

Rachel Zegler (20) has made a sly dig at her West Side Story co-star Ansel Elgort, who has been accused of sexual assault.

A fan posted a photo of Rachel in an embrace with Steven Spielberg as Ansel can be seen in the background.

- this is me trying (@ow_ally) January 28, 2022
Rachel then replied to her fan by reposting ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, ansel elgort, actor / actress

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dreamdate January 29 2022, 15:17:37 UTC
If she left Ansel in the photo people would’ve said something. Now because she didn’t people are saying something. You can never win lol


__onthebound January 29 2022, 15:24:11 UTC
This way she gets praised for doing something


poisoned_summer January 29 2022, 15:25:49 UTC
she could've just ignored the post and not replied at all

thr gave her a chance to denounce him and she didn't take it. doing shit like this after the fact is just stupid. like what are you trying to prove?


dreamdate January 29 2022, 17:24:18 UTC
It’s not her job or responsibility to denounce or speak on the situation. Literally zero.


chllschse January 29 2022, 20:23:20 UTC
Thank you! I’m sick of actresses being asked to account for the actors they work with, bad behavior. Unless the actress was named as being present in the room where it happened, she’s got fuck all to do with any type allegations against her male costars. At this point I can’t even remember what Ansel was accused of doing because all the focus is on what his costars from a movie filmed two years ago think. Like what the fuck!?!


ginainabottle January 29 2022, 17:57:33 UTC
lmao a chance to denouce him? She was, like so many other women, asked to give a soundbite and explain the shitty things a man did. This is a 20 year-old whose career basically just started and you are expecting her to front some sort of metoo campaign against a co-star she was in no way responsible of hiring? I swear some of you have literally no idea how the world works.


allmylines January 29 2022, 18:55:42 UTC

jfc she’s a 20 year old brand new to the industry who had zero decision making power on the hiring (which was done, and the movie was filmed, prior to the allegations against this pos)

i absolutely hate how women are always forced to answer for the shitty fucking actions of men in their orbit. i have had to do it too and it’s garbage. but in this case she is 20 YEARS OLD which makes it even more fucked up imo.


sabriendra January 30 2022, 09:17:20 UTC
"thr gave her a chance to denounce him and she didn't take it."

What are you even saying? This isn't her responsibility. She shouldn't be held accountable for shit HE did.


cold_nites January 29 2022, 16:03:36 UTC
zibbydoo324 January 29 2022, 17:01:46 UTC
Personal attack!!!!!!!!!!!


spiral_mystik January 29 2022, 16:20:52 UTC
I think that it’s because she was constantly asked by fans for months about it. She ignored them during promo (which I don't blame her for, it's not her job nor her responsibility to talk about him).
But now she wants cookie points for being petty about him. Now when she got the Golden Globe and people are over this movie.
She could've just ignored the tweet.


ginainabottle January 29 2022, 18:01:43 UTC
People seem to think she's got much more of a voice than she actually does but I'm not surprised at all they're projecting their own issues on her. Some people here couldn't even stand up to their Trump supporting family yet expect this 20 year-old to put her ass on the line over her co-star's criminal behavior.

I don't even like this chick but folks are doing the absolute most when it comes to her.

Meanwhile Spielberg hasn't been asked once about the case.


umilicious January 29 2022, 18:11:41 UTC
I assume Spielberg has strict PR guidelines for his interviews, like “don’t ask me about the allegations or you and your outlet will never get to interview me again”


ginainabottle January 29 2022, 18:15:14 UTC
I'm sure he does yet for some reason people seem to think Rachel is the person in a position of actual power to do shit.


lanadelcame January 29 2022, 18:39:53 UTC
I don’t think that it’s about she having power/influence to say or change something, and more about the sudden change of behavior. I ain’t judging her on this particular situation either way cus she ain’t got nothing to do with what he did, but I understand how people may find it off-putting, especially considering her social media presence being very… Chrissy Teigen-ish, imo.


ginainabottle January 29 2022, 18:47:08 UTC
But that's the thing tho, her change of behavior might just be that she now gets to say/do something. People really don't understand what's going on behind the scenes and how these pretty leading ladies, especially young ones, are trained to speak and learn very quickly what they are and aren't allowed to say.

Rachel does sound like an ass on sm but her actions regarding this Ansel thing are definitely not something I'm holding against her.


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