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ydn1m January 28 2022, 21:01:41 UTC
This season has been so boring to me. Usually I'm really rooting for at least one designer, but this time I don't particularly care who wins; I guess just whoever has the collection I like best. I wish Anna could've made it to the end, but after the car accident her head was never quite in it. Sucks.

I was going crazy with Christian at Mood when everyone wanted to use the same boring colors AGAIN.


silverstarry January 28 2022, 22:09:47 UTC
I know that Christian has been criticized for giving the designers too much specific criticism, but I LOVE when he gets totally exasperated and rolls his eyes at designers who insist on using the same colors (or lack thereof) repeatedly. When he told one of the designers, "But you've already used blue so many times!" and proceeded to name the different challenges where she'd used blue, I wanted to high five him.


la_loony January 29 2022, 23:17:48 UTC
I like that Christian is so specific with his critiques, I feel like it's more helpful for the designers. And I get it better to how he is trying to push their designs. Just saying stuff like "edit it" or "turn up the volume" is so super vague, I'd be so confused as a contestant what he wants me to do.
So with you supporting his demand for more colour, that's why I'm always sad when the designers go that are not afraid to use colour and prints.


silverstarry January 29 2022, 23:21:50 UTC
I haaaaate when designers say things like "I only use black" or "I don't use prints." Seeing all black designs come down the runway is always disappointing because 99% of the time it's impossible to see any details of the design.


la_loony January 29 2022, 23:33:42 UTC
I figured over the seasons of PR, designers who only stick to black think that is smart because it makes every look "cool" by default. Which no, as you said details are lost a lot, it gets boring quickly, and even the people who say "I only wear black" (I have some friends like tht) actually don't just wear black and do have clothes in other colours. Because with the contrast of a colour the black clothes can become so much cooler.


blorpz January 29 2022, 02:21:37 UTC
it has felt super long for some reason. did they have more people than usual?


ydn1m January 29 2022, 05:11:06 UTC
It was 16 as usual! I feel like many of the challenges have been pretty lackluster...


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