For the first time ever... Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire give an interview together

Jan 26, 2022 22:42

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Obviously spoilers for the latest Spiderman NWH:
[Spoiler (click to open)]- Tom Holland watches fan reaction videos of Andrew and Tobey's entrance in NWGRead more... )

sony pictures, tom holland, tobey maguire, andrew garfield, marvel, spider-man

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blueberry01120 January 27 2022, 04:02:36 UTC
Tobey looking readtea to tell a bih to bark like a seal for some poker chips in this thumbnail, hunny!

... )


zoaster_toaster January 27 2022, 04:11:49 UTC
Tobey has always given weird awkward/creeper vibes to me, which is why I’ve never gotten behind his Spider-Man/Peter Parker even tho his first two Spidey movies are arguably the best of the live action Spidey. If Andrew was the Spidey then, I would get the love for those first two movies more.


arisma January 27 2022, 04:49:27 UTC
Same, I find something about him intensely off-putting and always have.


glitterslugs January 27 2022, 05:47:47 UTC
Lol i think that’s why i love him, and like all the bully mcguire memes? Like it just constantly feels like there’s an underlying psycopath ready to snap nothing he does seems genuine lol


arnaudian January 27 2022, 05:59:51 UTC
honestly i think tom and andrew make tobey more likeable tbh. as peter but also as tobey. he is more open and relaxed in this interview than i’ve ever seen him


waffletaco January 27 2022, 06:25:50 UTC
oddly, thats whats attracting me to him. He looks a little rough because i think he's a smoker and possibly used to drink heavily.


saemcrh January 27 2022, 06:50:00 UTC
Members of the pussy posse tend to have that energy, Lukas Haas also has it in a big way, and to a lesser extent Leo (creeper vibes aided by knowing his dating 'patterns').


brokecouture January 27 2022, 04:27:07 UTC
He looks stoned as hell lol


messfortwo January 27 2022, 05:50:03 UTC
omg he looks like that guy from TikTok that makes the creepy annoying men impressions


cautionwalrus January 27 2022, 05:58:27 UTC
What does it say about me that I want that guy?


messfortwo January 27 2022, 17:33:51 UTC


cautionwalrus January 27 2022, 19:21:01 UTC


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