Aziz Ansari releases a new stand up special

Jan 25, 2022 22:34

"For this special shot as a close, intimate, immediate, raw half-hour of comedy, though, Ansari never skirts anywhere close to vulnerability or risk." @kvanaren writes on Aziz Ansari’s new special, "Nightclub Comedian"
- New York Magazine (@NYMag) January 25, 2022
• If you're anything like me, you forgot that it hasn't been ( Read more... )

aziz ansari, comedy / comedian

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doriiansz January 26 2022, 05:57:50 UTC
Empathy for those assholes? Yeah sure. Let's kumbaya through this pandemic, guys. No, fuck it. I'm not interested in their reasoning, because it's a bunch of bs and it's already done enough harm.


erin805 January 26 2022, 07:09:15 UTC
Exactly it’s not flat earth/aliens abducted conspiracy’s they’re using their platform to spread, people are dying bc of the “echo chamber” they’re in, which given the amount of money/resources both possess shows me it’s self enforced


stillglows January 26 2022, 08:39:25 UTC
mte. people are dying because of these assholes, they don't deserve any empathy at all.


slinkydinks January 26 2022, 16:03:08 UTC
He's right that shaming them does not work, though. As much as it can be frustrating--and as much as some of them don't deserve compassion for their selfishness, entitledness, and overconfident incorrectness--we really do have to understand where they're coming from if we want to get them to come to the light.

You have to "earn" trust and demonstrate "shared" values. You can't just hit people over the head with data, because they'll usually a) not understand how to interpret it correctly and b) have their own set of "facts" that are horribly wrong but still "facts" in their minds.


aleksie January 26 2022, 17:15:44 UTC
The harm anti-vaxxers have caused is beyond the pandemic. Medical staff are traumatized in many ways, and they're quitting. People can't get the medical care they need for other things because of how bad the pandemic is. Not to mention the spread of covid itself.

So fuck anti-vaxxers.


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