Lena Dunham's 'Sharp Stick' slammed as "heinous", "a career worst"

Jan 25, 2022 13:59

Lena Dunham's heinous 'Sharp Stick' is a career worst https://t.co/2Lx4NVBDD6 pic.twitter.com/cr4l5xBsvP
- Page Six (@PageSix) January 25, 2022

Lena Dunham's self-written and directed movie, “Sharp Stick”, premiered over the weekend at the Sundance Film Festival, and The New York Post gave the film a scathing review.

“Sharp Stick” is meant to be a very funny coming-of-age tale, but we rarely laugh because we don’t believe a nanosecond of it. [Sharp Stick] is hollow, amateurish provocation with phony characters and an off-putting plot"

When discussing the film, Dunham said she wanted to “give porn its due as something that can be really healing.” and that as a woman who can’t have biological children due to a hysterectomy, she "wished to tell a story about 'what it means to make your own family and design your own family and how that’s just as meaningful.'"


review, lena dunham
