He must've picked up a financial domination kink because whew, knowing Scientology, his lawyers are going to be running his pockets till all he's got to his name of value are the soldiers in his sac.
I’m probably wrong but I’ve always wondered if NDAs in these kinds of cases (Sc**ntology aside, they’re extra fucking cr*zy, and will straight up have you stalked or worse no need for lawsuits) are more of a scare tactic because suing to enforce it or collect damages, for someone super rich is a lot of effort for money that won’t mean anything to you but you’ll have confirmed the story is true by putting on the record the lawsuit to enforce the NDA/collect damages. Almost like a Streisand effect where once the NDA fails, anything you do will only be counterproductive to your original goal with the NDA in the first place.
LOL No, he won't. PR people are not this incompetent.
If People picked up this story, sure, they would sue him, and People for failing to verify. But mainstream outlets are not going to pick this up. Any lawsuits would make this more public. Leaving it alone means it stays the rantings of an unreliable source on a small podcast. This tweet was from Jan 12, and I have not seen a single entertainment news article on it. PR people will dismiss this, rightly, as irrelevant.
Also, he has talked about Travolta before and did not get sued.
Well, they could sue him for violating the NDA. But then they would have to admit he signed an NDA lol.
And that's not to say I think he's definitely telling the truth, and that they don't sue him proves it. They would still have to go through a messy court battle, which lays a lot of private info public and pushes these accusations into the limelight. Not worth it for this low threat situation.
If People picked up this story, sure, they would sue him, and People for failing to verify. But mainstream outlets are not going to pick this up. Any lawsuits would make this more public. Leaving it alone means it stays the rantings of an unreliable source on a small podcast. This tweet was from Jan 12, and I have not seen a single entertainment news article on it. PR people will dismiss this, rightly, as irrelevant.
Also, he has talked about Travolta before and did not get sued.
And that's not to say I think he's definitely telling the truth, and that they don't sue him proves it. They would still have to go through a messy court battle, which lays a lot of private info public and pushes these accusations into the limelight. Not worth it for this low threat situation.
I love me some tea... but yeah, he's so gonna get MAJOR heat for this.
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