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Comments 46

pop_squash January 20 2022, 18:49:34 UTC
The King’s Daughter looks...insanely bad.


gloeden2 January 20 2022, 19:05:29 UTC
Louis XIV's actual illegitimate daughters all had real lives more deserving of a film on any one of them than this tripe.


scriptedending January 20 2022, 18:59:08 UTC
Last night's watch was Inherent Vice. It was a lot better than I was expecting based on what I remembered the general reception to be when it came out - it's definitely too long, but it has a lot of funny moments. It also made me wish Katherine Waterston was in more things, because I really like her.

Other recent watches included Don't Look Back (1967), which was extremely well-done if hard to watch at times, and Pig, which had a great lead performance.

The Souvenir: Part II is coming to my local AMC this weekend for some reason, so I might go see that, but none of these new releases are grabbing me.

I know Sundance is happening now, and while I am tempted to watch some things, I'd rather just wait and see them in theaters (if they ever get there). I put this post up a while back, but here are some of the Sundance films I thought looked good: https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/122280698.html


genbu_no_miko24 January 20 2022, 19:03:11 UTC
I like inherent vice!! Joaquin needs to do more comedies cause he was great in it!



little_giant January 20 2022, 19:19:00 UTC
I'm curious about The Souvenir II because I watched the first one but didn't really like it, but then I was also expecting something else.

But I like that the second part is about film making and so think I will enjoy it more


scriptedending January 20 2022, 19:20:53 UTC
lol, yeah, this is me! I didn't like the first one at all, tbh, but a bunch of reviews and reactions I've read seem to say that it's possible to like the second one without liking the first one. And ITA re: the filmmaking angle.


celja January 20 2022, 18:59:26 UTC
Watched Eternals yesterday and surprisingly liked it? I was so prepared to hate it lol. However [Spoiler (click to open)]they better fix the cgi on Patton Oswalt's character d if he's gonna show up again, he looked terrible.


genbu_no_miko24 January 20 2022, 19:01:37 UTC
I recently rewatched my cousin vinny after not having watched again since I was a kid! Still a great well-made movie!!

Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei had great comedic chemistry! Really played off each other well!! Also Marisa totally earned her Oscar for that role!

Finally got to watch No Country for Old Men which I really liked! Although I kept thinking that while I didn’t totally understand There Will Be Blood, that probably should’ve won Best Picture over No Country.


scriptedending January 20 2022, 19:07:35 UTC
Although I kept thinking that while I didn’t totally understand There Will Be Blood, that probably should’ve won Best Picture over No Country.

Two excellent films! I loved No Country for Old Men right away, but it took me a couple of watches to appreciate There Will Be Blood. I recently rewatched TWBB, so I should rewatch NCfOM and see which one would be my pick now.


genbu_no_miko24 January 20 2022, 19:22:21 UTC
No Country is def the more easily digestible of the 2, not to say that No Country doesn’t have its deeper themes and messages but it’s def more popcorn than TTWB.

I’ve noticed that a lot of PTA’s films take a few rewatches to fully understand and maybe appreciate cause first watch is not always enough. Which I enjoyed how simple and easy-going Licorice Pizza was.


gloeden2 January 20 2022, 19:03:22 UTC
Half of them sound interesting, the other half are cringey as fuck.


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