Oscar’s Penis Problem: Why Does the Academy Ignore Actors Doing Full Frontal?
https://t.co/xY9Q3TiB0M- Variety (@Variety)
December 9, 2021 Variety writes about the Oscar's penis problem?
If you want to win an Oscar, does it help to have a nude scene? That depends on if you’re competing in the best actor or actress category. In the past, we’ve
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Freezing and zooming happening as we speak so they measure and make notes for later stories.
I took a bullet for you, looking that shit up. YOU'RE WELCOME.
Because the trope of the troubled evil homosexual, messing with the nice heteros but, then getting what they desrve in the end...I thought that shit died out in media by the 90s. I purposely spoiled myself on the film and I was actually horrified. And no one iscalling this shit out!
Of course queer characters can be villains in film. But when their villanous behavior and eventual bad end, is tied directly to their sexuality? Nah, fuck that retrograde shit.
And it's worse when it's a period piece and repression isn't explored, so to an audience,not accustomed to thinking about these things, sees a gay acting shitty, they don't see a negative result of repression,but just someone "choosing" to be evil for fun.
The funniest part is that the more I think about it, Cumberbatch's character isn't meant to be a secret gay at all. Like it's very very obvious that he had sex with his old mentor and is still in love with him. Instead, Cumberbatch abhors anything "feminine". So his issue with the young gay isn't that he's gay, it's that he's acting like a "sissy". Even the gay porn the kid stumbles on is "masculine" in nature.
It's a very very odd film with nothing to say.
The worst bit being, perhaps, that we're probably meant to feel sorry for Cumberbatch and his lost love but... no? He's such a prick to everyone? And then the big twist is that he's actually this intellectual and we're meant to believe that his older lover "trained" that out of him and taught him to be a man.
So it presents homosexuality as somehow inherently masculine.
To me, it came across as indictment of toxic masculinity tbh
so i guess nope, i'm not watching it.
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