Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint reunite for Harry Potter 20th Anniversary special

Dec 10, 2021 21:08

Like they never left. Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: #ReturnToHogwarts premieres New Year's Day on HBO Max. pic.twitter.com/6MBjWTjJbc
- HBO Max (@hbomax) December 9, 2021
HBO Max was revealed the first photo of Daniel, Emma and Rupert reuniting for the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary reunion ( Read more... )

rupert grint, emma watson, harry potter, daniel radcliffe

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missmagic12 December 10 2021, 17:34:21 UTC
These picture has me getting a little emotional. I’ll watch the special, hopefully it’ll rekindle some of my lost enthusiasm for something I used to love so much.

I also just saw a teaser trailer for the next “Fantastic Beasts,” the first minute and a half really seemed like they were trying to get everyone back on board, trying to reach those people like me who’ve become disenchanted by JKR. Apparently the full trailer drops Monday. I’ll watch the trailer, but I’m not going to the cinema to see the movie and give her more money.


merci_beaucoup December 10 2021, 17:46:41 UTC
Buy a ticket to a different movie and sneak in?


sandstorm December 10 2021, 18:32:21 UTC
I didn't even know they had filmed it.


yami_no_hoshi December 10 2021, 19:03:56 UTC
Me either lol, I feel like they JUST announced Mads as Grindelwald. But that was probably months or even a year ago if they are already releasing a trailer. My perception of time is warped.
Ok found the post and it was over a year ago, oop @ me and my brain/memory:


steph313 December 10 2021, 18:59:05 UTC
Lol, I'm not even boycotting those films bc of JKR, I just never could find it in me to give a shit about anything to do with that extended world.

With that, and the god awful Cursed Child, and all of her bad non-HP books, it really makes not giving her any coin easy.


megalixer December 10 2021, 19:32:18 UTC
yeah, JKR is terrible but I'd probably still shamelessly 🏴‍☠️ the new material if I had any interest in any of it. I watched the first fantastic beasts and didn't hate it or anything but all of the post-DH releases range from "big shrug" to "actively sounds shitty" lol

even leaving her politics to side for a second, I think she really benefitted from her editors in her early career and just plain bought into her own hype too much


figgypud December 11 2021, 00:59:13 UTC
I watched the first one and enjoyed it but it needed to just be a one off fun story about Newt/Fantastic Beasts. I had zero interest in seeing the second both cause Depp and the story(I did read the plot and I made the right decision in never wanting to watch it). And then JKR proved how shitty she was and made it even easier to say no.


miwa201 December 11 2021, 10:06:54 UTC
i watched the first one on tv years ago and it was just really dull. never had any urge to watch the sequel


pwrpuffgrl December 10 2021, 20:54:15 UTC


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