Fight for something real Rose✨McGowan (@rosemcgowan)
October 22, 2021 Rose McGowan posted a five-minute video on Instagram talking about how upset she was that her AirBnB in Tulum, Mexico has a dirty couch, dirty dishes and not enough shade outside. This somehow leads to her saying she wasn't mad on behalf of herself but the attitude that the renters had also leads to tourists being shot to death in the city. Then goes on to talk about the Netflix walkout of trans employees in response to Dave Chapelle, calling them "fucking little bitches," saying they have "permanent job security," saying they "can never be fired because they can claim it was retaliation," and ends with the line "You want to be a fucking woman? Well, welcome to the bitch club, bitch."
The whole video is
here but LJ doesn't let you embed Instagram videos apparently
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