Nancy Drew 3x04 Promo "The Demon of Piper Beach"

Oct 23, 2021 12:36

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When life-threatening sleepwalking suddenly spikes in town, the Drew Crew races to protect everyone from the supernatural threat that’s causing these terrifying experiences, and Nancy (Kennedy McMann) begins to question whether the case of the Frozen Heart murders has been solved. Meanwhile, Nancy’s unspoken feelings for Ace (Alex Saxon) resurface ( Read more... )

television - cw, adaptations, television promo / stills

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Comments 16

azaelers October 23 2021, 07:31:43 UTC
(Taking another CW post as an opportunity to ask: was the cole sprouse post deleted?)


blanchedavidian October 23 2021, 07:36:26 UTC
I was just coming in here to ask that!


pikapika217 October 23 2021, 10:08:09 UTC
Yes it was (I didn't even get to read!) and it *keeps* getting deleted. What does he/his team have on us?! We're going to have to smuggle it into a Riverdale roundup or something.


veggie October 23 2021, 07:59:32 UTC
does anybody know what time new episodes get uploaded? the website just says "saturday," and a cursory google said "11pm PST on the night an episode airs," but it's... almost 1am PST the day after, and the new episode hasn't shown up yet :(


crazyfreakyaj October 23 2021, 10:06:50 UTC
I used to be able to access them late on the same day they aired on The CW. But I am not current yet - haven't seen these season 3 episodes.


namae_nai October 23 2021, 16:11:37 UTC
if you follow the nd account on twitter they tweet once the episode is uploaded


veggie October 24 2021, 01:33:08 UTC
SMART, thank you!!


livejournal October 23 2021, 08:35:06 UTC
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namae_nai October 23 2021, 15:13:23 UTC
go away


subomie October 23 2021, 11:36:10 UTC
I need to catch up on this season. I'm so excited it's back and yet. ADHD strikes again.


aliceofclubs October 24 2021, 03:44:03 UTC
I have to watch s2 still!

I was so into s1, even though it was/is absolutely NOTHING like the book series. but I was heavily pregnant and my husband was paranoid, saying all the supernatural horror stuff would affect the baby negatively lol. he asked me not to watch more til after the baby came...I obliged.

not sure if I would have if he'd asked before the finale though.


namae_nai October 24 2021, 05:05:43 UTC
all the supernatural horror stuff would affect the baby negatively lol.

lmao is this really a thing??? i guess if you do get scared easily it might affect the baby, but ND is barely horror lol

s2 is definitely good for those who like the supernatural aspect of the show. I prefer the detective mystery parts, but I still enjoyed s2 a lot (a lot of this was because of nancy/ryan and the hudsons stuff lol)


aliceofclubs October 25 2021, 02:48:31 UTC
Well, it's definitely really a thing that your moods and general levels of anxiety/relaxedness / happiness / depression affect your baby. even after baby is born, if you're nursing then your mood/state affects the taste and makeup of your milk.

I love the show but I would definitely be scared by the ghosts and supernatural stuff. why keep watching? idk, maybe to keep a (very thin) tie to my childhood bc the characters had familiar names

I also really like Kennedy McCanns portrayal


silverstarry October 23 2021, 13:35:23 UTC
The existence of Fan Fans made me laugh!


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