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ahkna October 19 2021, 13:16:20 UTC
I just saw this tweet and haven't stopped laughing since. Zack Snyder's Justice League was a) very bad, and b) very ugly, and c) the characters involved were possibly the most famous and popular fictional characters of all time.

Eternals is Marvel’s version of Zack Snyder’s Justice League. A film that builds upon a cast of unknown characters and does so with great success. Chloé Zhao direction is superb. Easily one of the best looking Marvel films of all time. Insane post credits scenes too. #Eternals pic.twitter.com/TbZlqPJxGQ
- Scott Menzel (@ScottDMenzel) October 19, 2021


war_machine_rox October 19 2021, 13:19:19 UTC
Unknown characters????

Like, maybe comparing to the Avengers but not Justice League lmao


curdlesnoots October 19 2021, 14:27:32 UTC
Nah, Superman is like Zod-list


war_machine_rox October 19 2021, 14:33:26 UTC

... )


curdlesnoots October 19 2021, 14:35:35 UTC
Supes trying to shoot lasers at that tweet.


sandstorm October 19 2021, 15:27:34 UTC
Oh lord

Zack Snyder is the blueprint https://t.co/BKcgJtJ9sN pic.twitter.com/EPEd7hIf7U
- scorsese careca of SnyderVerse (@Scorsese_Careca) October 19, 2021


hannahstarr October 19 2021, 17:14:11 UTC
loool I read this tweet 5 times before I realized that he is making a FAVORABLE comparison to Justice League.


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