Adele Claims She Can't Afford to Live in London

Oct 12, 2021 19:22

Adele says she could ‘never afford’ her Los Angeles house in London
- The Independent (@Independent) October 8, 2021

Poor Adele! She recently purchased three houses in Los Angeles for a total of $30 million, but London was simply too expensive for her ( Read more... )

celebrity real estate, eat the rich, adele, british celebrities

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awakejupiter October 13 2021, 00:41:11 UTC
She's completely clueless how privileged she sounds when she talks about money. I remember she got backlash a couple years ago when she complained about having to pay taxes.


blahblahcakes64 October 13 2021, 00:44:04 UTC
I was just going to say-it sounds like she prefers that the US doesn't tax the way the UK does.


debbiesgirl October 13 2021, 00:52:11 UTC
awakejupiter October 13 2021, 00:54:27 UTC
She claims to be a labour voter. But she sounds like the kind of labour voter who cares about LGBTI/women's rights but doesn't actually want to help poor people.


saemcrh October 13 2021, 00:58:51 UTC
She’s not, people misconstrue that tax quote when she was clearly annoyed by the lack of funding for communities etc and wondering where the tax money actually goes.


labelledcaustic October 13 2021, 05:57:53 UTC
I pay (not Adele money) and report taxes to my country and I still think this all the time especially when large scale emergency situations happen. Am always like "wtf do I pay taxes for if people are still dying bc of something completely avoidable". 'Avoidable' being people aren't usually dying of it or mass displaced or whatever when the situation happens in another country. And people hear that and think "this person doesn't want to pay taxes" (it's usually someone who doesn't pay their taxes or report them, sigh, we have a history of badly implemented tax collection).


kansascshuffle October 13 2021, 10:43:46 UTC
Unfortunately that's an international problem. I'm happy to pay taxes but every other month our government wastes money on the worst shitty ideas that a smart high-schooler could critique or "loses" the money in buddy-buddy deals with families of the government members.


topismine October 13 2021, 12:00:38 UTC
Reminds me of how conservatives liked to take Cardi’s tax quote out of context when she was saying basically the same thing. That she pays a lot in taxes and would be happier to if she actually saw the money going to good use/ to help people.


saemcrh October 13 2021, 00:57:49 UTC
Y’all really need to stop misrepresenting that tax quote, she complained because the government isn’t actually putting that money into making anything better for communities or people. Not because she just doesn’t want to pay them.


frelling_tralk October 13 2021, 10:43:31 UTC
You don’t think that she didn’t want to pay them? Even though she said that she wanted to randomly open fire after getting her tax bill, and specifically complained about 50% being mortifyingly high,

“I'm mortified to have to pay 50%! [While] I use the NHS, I can't use public transport any more. Trains are always late, most state schools are [rubbish], and I've gotta give you, like, four million quid - are you having a laugh? When I got my tax bill in from 19, I was ready to go and buy a gun and randomly open fire”


saemcrh October 13 2021, 14:14:49 UTC
I didn’t say that. I said her issue was paying them when no actual change or help seems to happen. She’s not the only one who has expressed this.

As a Brit, even non-rich people who pay taxes have expressed this because we live here and we know where funds aren’t going.


frelling_tralk October 13 2021, 18:23:40 UTC
I don’t disagree that she was also complaining about how the government fails to even put tax money to good use, I just don’t think it’s misconstructing her quotes to say that what she was really angry and frustrated about was how unfairly high her tax bill is now that’s she’s a millionaire. It wasn’t a conversation that was framed as her looking at the state of the county in a wider sense and wishing that the funds were being put to better use, every sentence there goes back to her own circumstances. It’s her feeling mortified about the higher rate of tax that she has to pay now, about how she doesn’t even personally benefit from using public transport, about how getting her tax bill made her angry enough to want to randomly open fire


lolzerz October 13 2021, 03:12:14 UTC
cardi b did the same thing and everyone here agreed with her lmao


frelling_tralk October 13 2021, 10:53:56 UTC
She did lol, I don’t know where people on here are getting that she was just concerned about the state of the country, her comments were 100% her having a little rant about how much tax she has to pay now, and yeah most people weren’t all that sympathetic as having millions to pay in tax is not seen as such an awful problem to have


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