Anya Taylor-joy reveals what’s inside her bag for vogue Mexico

Oct 08, 2021 00:21

anya taylor-joy interview in spanish for vogue mexico and latinoamerica (part 2)
- best of anya taylor-joy (@anyafiles) September 17, 2021
The Mexican edition of the renowned fashion publication interviewed the actress in Spanish, asking her what’s always inside her bag ( Read more... )

anya taylor-joy, beauty / makeup, latino celebrities, interview, astrology

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curdlesnoots October 8 2021, 06:57:32 UTC
I often wonder if women like Anya (beautiful, educated, middle class) are into tarot/crystals/astrology etc because they feel like they’re contributing or controlling the privilege they receive, so they can somehow justify that they deserve it. Like ‘oh I put this out into the universe and work hard so that’s why I’m being rewarded’ instead of admitting it’s about 30% hard work and grift.

Idk if this makes sense but there’s long been this interesting crossover between hippy granola types, right-wingers and conspiracy theorists (members of the Nazi party, for example, were really in to tarot and psychics). The thing that ties them together is their sense of superiority, that they somehow have a better understanding of the world and their position of power is what justifies those beliefs, like a type of confirmation bias.

(And no people, I am not implying Anya is a right winger or anything other than a lovely, hard-working actress. Just wondering why so many otherwise smart, beautiful women I meet seem to be into this stuff.) Ugly mongrels like me tend to just nod, smile and pack snacks in our handbasket for the journey to hell.


unmellow_yellow October 8 2021, 07:19:11 UTC
This is so true. I wonder if wealth and a degree(s) of narcissism are also factors maybe?

I also think people always want more control than they have and this gives them that feeling.


slaughtermatic October 8 2021, 07:20:46 UTC
"a sense of superiority" and then this comment lol


curdlesnoots October 8 2021, 08:26:06 UTC
I said right there I’m an ugly fucker going to hell. I’m not superior at all - my card deck of choice is just misanthropy rather than tarot, which leaves me with far more unfounded beliefs. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing either; a lot of people use this kind of thinking to help them through difficult times and it makes them more resilient.

But yeah, there are actual studies about this; especially since the rise of wellness culture and the subsection which crosses over with QAnon. And yes, it comes down to a sense of thinking they ‘know more’ than other people. That’s why mocking people who believe in conspiracies doesn’t work, because they’re not stupid. They’re often really smart, with privileges in other ways too.

I’m not talking about faith, btw, or people who were raised in a culture of spirituality. These are people who are irreligious otherwise and highly logic-driven except for this one area.


slaughtermatic October 8 2021, 08:32:55 UTC
That's fine but with all this "I'm ugly but at least I'm realistic!" energy you all sound like every Tina Fey self insert.


curdlesnoots October 8 2021, 09:03:05 UTC
Lmao noooo not Tina Fey please, you’re killing me. Definitely didn’t mean it like that, more like if there’s any good cosmic energy out there it’s not coming my way anytime soon so might as well accept it. Which obviously isn’t true, I’m privileged in a lot of other ways.

Also ‘otherwise smart’ was such a bullshit statement from me, because my friends are beautiful inside and out and smart full stop.


slaughtermatic October 8 2021, 10:03:49 UTC
Awh sorry I didn't mean to go in on you, I get what you're saying. Theres definitely Gwyneth Paltrows out there! But sometimes the world is a stupid place and horoscopes are just fun. If a girl wants to carry around a rock to protect her I'm not gonna say it's more or less rational than leaning into the abyss lmao. I'm not a crystal person but I've got my stitions and they kind of help my PTSD 🤷‍♀️


curdlesnoots October 8 2021, 11:35:47 UTC
Nah you’re totally good and totally right, I deserved to be called out. Sometimes I think I’ve moved beyond internalised misogyny and then whoosh, manic pixie dream dust and I’m ‘not other girlsing’ myself, it’s like male academic possession or something.


slaughtermatic October 8 2021, 12:25:27 UTC
I love this comment, we are so many cool girls in recovery here. Which is why it gets to me when these sort of feminine practices get ridiculed while we live in a world order of comic books two dudes created in the 50s. I mean it's all good at this point lol.


itsme_eloise October 8 2021, 20:16:59 UTC
I want a "cool girl in recovery" sweatshirt


winter_lace October 9 2021, 06:33:41 UTC
I'd buy it


slaughtermatic October 10 2021, 09:26:37 UTC
Amazing idea pls send me the red bubble link 🤣


pulseraroja October 11 2021, 18:46:05 UTC
yessss thank you so much for saying this. playing around with tarot cards and astrology helped me start getting out of the scariest depression of my life and start caring about self-care for the first time ever, like just let me have my dumb fucking placebo lmao


hisjulliet October 8 2021, 16:54:28 UTC
“That’s why mocking people who believe in conspiracies doesn’t work, because they’re not stupid. They’re often really smart“

lol. Ya let’s not. These people are not intelligent. Some people are just: 1) way more gullible than others, 2) wants to be that person that can say, “I told you so!” after their self-indulgent fantasies is proven “correct” in front of the whole world, 3) doesn’t have any form of identity or self-worth (like the people who fall into cults when they’re adults) and 4) fall victim to weeks/months of propaganda from right-wing media.


xellabelle October 8 2021, 08:11:38 UTC
I think you’re overthinking it. Wealthy people are more likely to be into this because they have the money and time to buy a million crystals and practise this stuff.


curdlesnoots October 8 2021, 08:32:16 UTC
Overthinking and projecting (my personal tagline) probably. I’ve also been reading waaay too much of this stuff lately that I’m starting to see patterns where there are none.


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