The Myth of Postfeminism - Why the 00's Were So Sexist

Sep 21, 2021 00:17

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As our culture collectively revisits the misogynistic treatment of the Britneys, Parises, and Megans of the 2000s, we have to ask: WHY was this era so deeply toxic for women? A key answer to this question is a thing called "Postfeminism": the belief that misogyny and sexism are over, and therefore “feminism” is no longer necessary ( Read more... )

feminism / social issues, 2000s

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lozbabie September 20 2021, 23:12:39 UTC
It’s not better now?


ostsiberia September 21 2021, 00:05:30 UTC
I'd say it's better in some ways. I remember in 2008 arguing with guy friends that 'no, having sex with a drunk passed out girl is NOT fucking right' and my stance was considered unpopular at the time.


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ostsiberia September 21 2021, 15:28:20 UTC
Times were wild. As someone told me, "What if she wakes up and she's totally into it?" Enthusiastic Consent wasn't a thing either, it was more 'as long as she doesn't say no'. If she was drunk, and impaired, she was seen as an easy prospect. "She had too much to drink so she could barely utter no? She should have thought of that before drinking so much." This was also before it was a bad thing to be a 'Nice Guy'. Didn't want to kiss a 'Nice Guy' and he told me I was selfish.


vespertinev September 26 2021, 22:19:42 UTC
Some people believe that now


choukoumei September 21 2021, 00:26:31 UTC
I could definitely make some arguments about how it's worse.

Or at least, bad in "different" ways.


lozbabie September 21 2021, 00:53:35 UTC
Exactly. We’re significantly more gendered now and much more ‘get in the box’


hardto_remember September 21 2021, 01:52:54 UTC
In some regards, probably. But it's definitely not equal. And there's definitely both a lot of backlash and a lot of organized efforts to depoliticize the movement instead of belittling it.


winter_lace September 21 2021, 04:34:47 UTC
I think it might better in some ways and worse in others.


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