Lily Allen is SLAMMED for publicly shaming takeaway pizza company

Sep 20, 2021 20:39

Lily Allen is SLAMMED for publicly shaming takeaway pizza company
- Celebrity Gig Magazine (@CelebrityGigMag) September 20, 2021

Lily Allen has been criticised by her followers for publicly shaming a takeaway pizza company.
She shared a snap of the meal writing ‘Not impressed tbh’ before tagging the brand Pizza Pilgrims. 
Fans had messaged her saying that her post ‘could end’ the company and it was ‘brutal for the business’,

Lily Allen replied:
"They shouldn’t be in the business of making pizzas if this is what their dishing out. I paid for it, I’m well within my right to express my displeasure. And I think you’re actually more interested in telling a woman that she shouldn’t express her opinions than you are about this particular business. I get it, all the time, and I know it when I see it. Ask yourself if you’d tell a bloke the same? If you think I shouldn’t complain about shit on my platform, block, restrict or unfollow me. The world is annoying as fuck sometimes, and I’m not here for all that ass kissing cloutathon nonsense. If you can’t call out a shit pizza on here we’re all doomed."


celebrity social media, lily allen, food / food industry
