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ahkna September 15 2021, 19:33:47 UTC
I'm fascinated by scammers who just reappear with a new scam after the previous one has been exposed. Shameless sham.


originaru September 15 2021, 19:42:11 UTC
honestly, in some sick way i kind of admire the confidence and absolute shamelessness, i could never and would be mortified.


fauxkaren September 15 2021, 19:45:51 UTC
lol same.

it's almost impressive the complete lack of shame? like damn, what's it like to live like that?


reallyupthere September 15 2021, 20:02:18 UTC
It’s almost like he has the shamelessness of a straight, white man 🤔


therearewords September 15 2021, 20:13:30 UTC
You might be onto something here.


therearewords September 15 2021, 20:12:51 UTC
My thoughts exactly: the discipline to just keep going instead fading out of embarrassment?


kebedes September 15 2021, 21:40:43 UTC
I was fascinated for a while recently with Darius Crooks. A lot of people compared the two of them because they have the same M.O. Just scam after scam in quick succession with no transparency or remorse.


littlepunkryo September 15 2021, 22:39:30 UTC
Especially when they've been exposed MULTIPLE times, like how stupid are the people who keep falling for this dude's shit?


meadowphoenix September 16 2021, 05:35:38 UTC
hmm, isn't that actually most of them? confidence men play the numbers; it's not about a successful long-term scam, its about riding the scam until you can set up a new one from your last.


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