Christopher Nolan Cuts Ties with Warner Bros, Moves to Universal for Next Film

Sep 14, 2021 08:46

Christopher Nolan will make his J. Robert Oppenheimer film for Universal, marking the first time in over a decade that he hasn't been at WB. Film carries $100 million budget. Nolan wrote the script. It will shoot in Q1 of 2022
- Brent Lang (@BrentALang) September 14, 2021

film - in development, film director, universal / universal studios, warner bros

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Comments 63

ruby_chalice September 14 2021, 18:43:26 UTC
Men get such a hard-on about his movies. And him personally.

I hate his work. And he gives of 'entitled dick' vibes.


naveedchick September 14 2021, 18:46:14 UTC
Hire Murphy already.


izzzzy23 September 14 2021, 18:46:48 UTC
I do like the fact that his films are big budget and original, it’s not a massively common combination. But Tenet was a big misfire for me. I think releasing it in a pandemic actually saved him a little bit because he could hide behind the fact that not a lot of people saw it.

The premise of this is kind of interesting, sounds like something different from him


scriptedending September 14 2021, 18:53:01 UTC
ITA. I usually like his films, and occasionally love them, but Tenet was not good and the pandemic insulated it from an even worse reception.


notoriousreign September 14 2021, 18:47:34 UTC
A part of me thinks maybe I would've enjoyed Tenet more in theatres, because Inception took a few watches for me to fully get but I still found myself really enjoying it when I saw it in theatres. Tenet on the other hand I did not get at all and I feel like I probably still would've hated it in a theatre. Robert was hot at least.


syvlie0o0 September 14 2021, 18:50:13 UTC
Tenet was so fucking bad. Nolan is a whiny little asshole, throwing a fit because WB were worried about debuting a movie in a WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC. Sit down.


littlepunkryo September 15 2021, 08:11:39 UTC
It was honestly nuts to listen to him talk about theaters like we weren't LITERALLY in a pandemic that was outright killing people constantly. I don't care how good your movie is - and Tenet sucked anyway - it's not worth dying or killing someone over. And the way that movie stans acted like people who chose to stay home were somehow morally wrong and responsible for theaters going under was truly wild, like can you people join the rest of us in the real world.


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