Cardi B Gave Birth

Sep 07, 2021 16:42

Congratulations, @iamcardib!
- POPSUGAR (@POPSUGAR) September 6, 2021
Cardi B and Offset announced the birth their second child together yesterday. The baby was born on the 4th and people are assuming that it's a boy due to the blue blanket (Cardi saved the real blanket for herself though). No name has been given yet ( Read more... )

birth, cardi b

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knighthowl82 September 7 2021, 15:08:40 UTC
Congrats I guess. I’ll be 30 in a few months and still have people telling me I’ll want kids one day. Like no, I like coming home from work and being able to do anything I want.


rara8777 September 7 2021, 16:03:47 UTC
34 and I'm desperate for someone to tie my tubes. I do NOT want kids.


jinxeh13 September 7 2021, 16:30:33 UTC
I'm at the point where if it happens, I think I would be a good mother and my partner would be a good father, and we wouldn't have any regrets about choosing parenthood. But I don't know if we'll ever "try" to have kids, and if it doesn't happen we'll also enjoy being able to do whatever we want while being the cool aunt and uncle to our niblings on both sides.

I used to think I didn't want kids, then for a while I did, now I'm just like...whatever, the planet is dying, if parenthood ~chooses us then it was meant to be.


lolzerz September 7 2021, 17:04:02 UTC
im also almost 30-- and the only people pressuring me about having kids are my coworkers that are in their 50s. my peers closer to my age dont even ask me if i want kids, its just not a topic that we care about. imo their lives look miserable and its just not something i ever want to go through.


chocobeans September 7 2021, 17:10:34 UTC
Same. Told my mom that so she's not bothering me when I turn 40 (I'll be 35 at the end of the month) she won't be surprised that there's no kids running behind me. She still doesn't believe me.


emmy0001 September 7 2021, 17:46:26 UTC
I’m 33 and people still say that shit to me.


sweet_heloise September 7 2021, 22:09:36 UTC
I'm on the fence and turning 30 this year and the pressure to make up my mind keeps building


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