I was just stung by a Murder Hornet. Incredible pain, right arm and leg going numb. Heart racing. Any tips?
pic.twitter.com/xFoc8nG0D8- Rose 🌊McGowan (@rosemcgowan)
August 28, 2021 The activist and charmed actress tweeted that she was stung by a murder hornet. Immediately experimenting symptoms such as pain in the area, numb extremities, fatigue, sweats, blurry vision and tachycardia.
I live in a jungle in Mexico
https://t.co/iverEJRNDR- Rose 🌊McGowan (@rosemcgowan)
August 28, 2021 The murder hornet is an invasive species from Asia, prone to endangering bee populations and destruction of ecosystems, it is not known how it ended up in these parts of the world, but scientists in the Pacific Northwest have issued alarms since appearing.
After posting photographic evidence of the insect, some users identified it as possibly an executioner wasp or a paper wasp, both of those species having a sting that is more painful than that of the murder hornet.
She lives in Tulum, Quintana Roo, so it’s still not clear if the bug was indeed a murder hornet or any other species endemic to Mexico.
This is on my floor. It is a Murder Hornet.
pic.twitter.com/YaQHk9dJDo- Rose 🌊McGowan (@rosemcgowan)
August 28, 2021 Sources
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