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invisiblegirlx August 29 2021, 13:27:32 UTC
A 30 year old guy left 3 kids and a pregnant wife behind cause he refused the vaccine and took horse dewormer. This shit is for real and I feel bad for all the kids who are going to grow up without parents cause of idiots like Clapton.


debbiesgirl August 29 2021, 13:30:14 UTC
xtinkerbellax August 29 2021, 13:35:16 UTC
I read two stories back to back the other day about kids who lost both their parents to Covid, I can't imagine. I feel bad for kids who lose parents, I feel bad for kids whose parents cannot make competent medical decisions for them, it's just beyond frustrating.


angriest_girl August 29 2021, 21:49:55 UTC
I read one on a website that lists deaths of anti-vaxxers about a 16 year old boy with Downs Syndrome whose mother would not allow him to vaccinated, and he got Covid and died. And she is STILL anti-vax. This woman is basically a murderer.


unmellow_yellow August 30 2021, 05:45:43 UTC
That is so fucking enraging and devastating. My HEART


angriest_girl August 30 2021, 07:51:36 UTC
I know, I can’t stop thinking about it, and how many other vulnerable kids and people have died because of how irresponsible their parents/carers have been with this. :-(


__nocturna August 29 2021, 14:10:26 UTC
he deserved to die, but whats crazy to me about that story is his wife seems relatively sane and nice?? like, wtf did she see in this dude??


xtinkerbellax August 29 2021, 14:31:14 UTC
A lot of seemingly normal women are married to guys like that, they're either better at hiding it or they settled, probably a mix of both.


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crimps4 August 29 2021, 16:05:39 UTC
Oh no!!!


wormsinthedirt August 29 2021, 20:38:10 UTC
She probably settled... decent men are hard to find and she probably just wanted kids. =\ It sucks.


dorawa August 29 2021, 21:42:07 UTC
I read a really sad comment yesterday from a woman who had been married like 7 years. She said everything was wonderful in her marriage, etc until her husband broke his foot and was off for 3 months. And in those 3 months off, while she was working and their kid was at daycare, he fell into the Youtube rabbit hole of right-wing conspiracies and Qanon and now she doesn't even know who he is anymore, etc. I gotta wonder if there are a lot of cases like that, too... :/


aleksie August 29 2021, 22:42:31 UTC
I haven't dealt with a Qanon type, but I have worked with and been friends with multiple people who are hellbent on believing things that are simply not true. They've convinced themselves of a narrative, and no matter how much evidence to the contrary, they double down and/or shift the goal posts. It's like that it's too much to admit they were wrong or didn't have the full story.


winter_lace August 30 2021, 06:54:27 UTC
I have heard a more than a few similar stories like this


alexlover14 August 30 2021, 08:55:07 UTC
There's a great Reddit group that deals with people who have lost their family to QAnon (QAnon Casualties) - it's just as easy as this, isolating yourself for a few months and falling into the rabbit hole and they can fall under it really quickly.

I follow cult deprogrammers on Twitter - Steven Hassan, Rick Ross - and they're always posting about QAnon and how strongly it's a cult. Scarily it's a cult without a leader and nearly impossible to control the narrative.


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