Debra Winger on Madonna and A League of Their Own

Aug 16, 2021 14:15

Debra Winger has set the record straight over why she quit her starring role in the beloved baseball film, "A League of Their Own."
- USA TODAY (@USATODAY) August 16, 2021
Debra Winger was once signed up to play the part of Dottie in the Penny Marshall film "A League of Their Own," but dropped out four weeks before production. ( Read more... )

1990s, celebrity feud, film - drama, madonna

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procedurals August 16 2021, 19:53:57 UTC
Yeah I usually doubt claims of "difficulty" for actresses because of sexist double standards, but from the interviews I have read (including this one) Winger sounds like she might actually be high-maintenance to the point of being a nuisance.

And she's talented, but I can't imagine her in this role - Davis on the other hand was terrific.


sudols August 16 2021, 20:39:37 UTC
Debra is different. She has always been an asshole and a terrible person in general.


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theflyers August 16 2021, 21:31:15 UTC
And I'll always put my money on Shirley MacLaine, even in her old age she strikes me as a woman who knows how to hide the bodies!


archersangel August 16 2021, 21:38:03 UTC
IA. She used to be the "mascot" of The Rat Pack. I bet she learned a thing or two from Frank Sinatra & his "boys".


josiefier August 16 2021, 22:02:58 UTC

Any woman who can be "one of the guys" to a group like that is an automatic idol of mine. Plus the line, "I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!" has been a staple quote of mine since Steel Magnolias came out. Of course it's not as funny to say now at 36 as it was when I was 4, but still, it remains true.


likeiused2 August 16 2021, 22:16:57 UTC
I am wheezing (pun intended)


andisprohi August 17 2021, 02:36:24 UTC
Any woman who can be "one of the guys" to a group like that is an automatic idol of mine.

Probably not an idol to look up to :P

*trigger warnings*


theflyers August 17 2021, 19:04:15 UTC
She's nuttier than a shit-house rat. I got through one of her books only because because it was an audio book and I didn't have to actually try to read it myself.

Also this snippet from Wiki will never not be...

When Sachi was in her late twenties, she learned that her mother believed that her father Steve was not her real father but a clone of the real one, an astronaut named Paul

I like her whit and her acting, but she's a belligerent wackadoodle!

And recently enough:

In 2015, she sparked criticism for her comments on Jews, Christians, and Stephen Hawking. In particular she claimed that victims of the Holocaust were experiencing the results of their own karma, and suggested that Hawking subconsciously caused himself to develop ALS as a means to focus better on physics


archersangel August 16 2021, 21:36:07 UTC
And she's talented, but I can't imagine her in this role - Davis on the other hand was terrific.



bellwetherr August 17 2021, 14:20:32 UTC
idk if she's difficult to work with but this interview makes her sound like such an asshole lol


caramelaffair August 16 2021, 22:50:25 UTC
I believe it! I watched that movie a few months ago and her and Richard didn't have much chemistry (I thought) and something seemed off.


walterwhiteh2o August 16 2021, 23:31:47 UTC
Thb I think the reason why she quit the movie is so stupid. Yes, it was Madonna, but in a supporting role. I love the movie and Madonna being in it isn't the main thing that most people remember it for.


maynard18 August 17 2021, 01:50:28 UTC
My mom asked a makeup artist in the movie industry who was the worst celeb she worked with and it was Debra Winger. This would have been 1989 so she still had a relatively decent career then.


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