'I Am Legend' screenwriter reminds us his movie isn't real in response to Vaccine Conspiracies

Aug 10, 2021 13:11

'I Am Legend' screenwriter reacts to vaccine conspiracy theories, pointing out the plot is fiction: "It's a movie. I made that up. It's. Not. Real." https://t.co/JJ8RYcXIjJ
- philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) August 10, 2021

The 2007 movie, starring Will Smith and a German Shepard (Name not given), is making headlines once again, for the wrong reasons.

Anti-Vaccine nuts who either haven't seen the film, or haven't seen it since 2007 like me, are claiming the vaccine turns people into zombies, liek in the film.

But it didn't happen in the film.

Spoilers for 2007's I AM LEGEND

[Spoiler (click to open)]A genetically engineered measles virus is the reason for the plague and the zombie-like creatures in the film. It was not a vaccination but a modified virus used to treat cancer

Akiva Goldsman clock-checked a blue-check who decided to spread the misinformation after a nameless dumbass in a NYT article said they feared vaccination because of the film.

Oh. My. God. It’s a movie. I made that up. It’s. Not. Real.
- Akiva Goldsman (@AkivaGoldsman) August 9, 2021

Will Smith has not commented, because this situation is stupid.

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film - science fiction, will smith, covid-19
